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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Idk about other people but just learning c is so logical. You do stupid shit, you get stupid results. Of course there are a lot of bad things with c but at least when you sit down to understand how it works, it works while most oop languages are so detached from the hardware its hard to understand anything. It might be just me but oop breaks my brain. Also ive never coded in c++ but i automatically avoided it. I heard rust has very minimal oop and its just to make things smoother so i may try that.

In hungary its python and c++ in the curriculum but on the tests you can usually choose between a few languages.

Idk abour other people but i pirate everything first and if its good i buy it. I pirated a bunch of games back in the day and bought the good ones. Terraria, geometry dash, minecraft, etc(can you tell i played on mobile lol)

European here, i think mexicos cool. North america actually has two normal countries and then the us

Ahh remember the good ol times when you could insert a jrpg cd into a cd player and could listen to all the music.

Im moving to sweden and it would be useful to start watching low level swedish content for learning so its good that this post reminded me of this. Funny how im moving to a place known for its pirate content but somehow the place im moving from still beats it(hungary).

I think its more about how some people can get really dedicated to one thing and others cant and those who are dedicated practice more so it looks like they are just better. And then there are 10x programmers. They are a different animal(get it?(furrys)).

When i discovered as a little kid that apk files are actually zips i felt like a detective.

Giga brain move: make a bash script that compiles some c code then runs it

It depends for me. If the condition is some goofy ahh multiline syntax hell i like to use the second option.

I think electric scooters are a curse for everyone. They dont wear protection and a lot of them are reckless.

Bike roads are pretty safe so better than metal coffins going 130km/h… ohh right this is america there arent any bike paths.

I originally pirated geometry dash, minecraft and terraria when i was kid but then bought them. I think if a game is good you can vote with your money. But maybe im just a minority because i also support foss projects.

Just saying modern devices could also have interchangable batteries. There are standard lipo pouch sizes and standard lithium cilinder sizes.

If i ever want to learn android app development what would you guys recommend. If theres a foss android ide it would be pretty cool.