Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 01, 2023


Back in the early days we did it for competition/sports and maybe “fame” . Not for monetary reasons. Most of us never knew financial problems due to employers fighting over us 😁

Can’t speak for the modern crews. But it’s still unlikely. Other crews would find out, call out and their reputation would be done for. Not worth it as there are other options to get some bucks out of it

Proxmox is nice, using it too on one of my servers. True. I would really not use a pi for that specific use :)

Anytime. As long as it gets the job done, the PIs are totally fine. At least they don’t consume much power :-)

As you’re obviously no american, you also know that even if you’d pay netflix (for the FULL price i might add) you only get a fraction of what they got and not a penny discount for it. Sorry, but no. If you want my money, OFFER ME SOMETHING. Or discount me. That is just robbery.

So, you at least need a server for the whole work. A pi could do it, although you might not expect stellar performance off of it, but it would get the job done I assume. Except maybe live transcoding if that’s necessary (like watching 4k uhd content on a 720p phone or so).

So min-spec would be the combined min-spec for all services. As they probably also run on linux (i use win-20xx-server) it really should do.

You’d need:

  • The **nars you’d want (radarr=movies, sonarr=series, bazarr=subs, lidarr=music etc. and there’s even one for porn lol)
  • a downloader, either usenet (prefered for speed and comfyness) or torrent. So SabNZBd or qtorrent or whatever
  • If usenet, then you’d need a usenet-account (use one with the highest retention (backlog) like eweka.nl (if you wait for black friday or so, they usually have BIG discounts) and probably an indexer (the search-engine kinda). Like 10 bucks a year if you pay only yearly or like 30 lifetime, depends on service. I’d advise for nzbgeek, they’re cheap and nearly 100% net a result. You could also go for free ones, but they’re always very limited. Probably more than enough for 1-2 movies a week or so. sucks if you want a series with 400 episodes :-)

And of couse:

  • a media-server. Like Plex or Emby. I personally love emby, i even pay them just because (and for some minor benefits). You could also go for the free jellyfin, but it’s more hassle to setup and i didn’t get it to work reliably (and i’m a fucking pro)

Maybe, if you want to access everything from the outside and don’t want that machine to be totally exposed:

  • some (reverse)proxy like nginx or caddy. I Prefer caddy, it’s fire&forget like all others mentioned here. Once setup though.

I admit, it’s a bit of tinkering and configuring, but once it’s working it’s fine. The *narrs auto-update reliably, emby does too. Occasionally you might manually update sabnzb and restart emby after an update, but that’s it.

I even integrated everything with telegram so I get notifications when someone added/moved/deleted something or stopped playing or whatever else. completely smart-home-integrated too.

if you have more questions, just hit me :)

Dude, for that sum you could pay people pirating and servicing it for you 😁

I would pay legit services. But to see it all i would need multiple services with multiple apps, half of which wouldn’t run on my rooted devices. So fuck them.

Sadly no. Not that i know. But once it’s setup it basically runs forever without tinkering. Impressive for open-source. Could name the software and/or services that are helpful.

Silly argument, as i pay for internet too. Also 5 bucks are not even a fucking coffee. For that i get what i dreamt of when i was selling pirate-cds for hundreds of bucks.

Dude, there is the golden age I’ve waited 20yrs for.

Check sonarr/radarr/prowlarr/lidarr etc. A lil work, some mere bucks a month for extra comfyness and you’re set. Never worry again.

Oooh right trackball-mice. Totally forgot they exist 😁 Ok the mice are ok. For the price. Nothing is like it was before. But their keyboards… Some months later the markings already peel off, cables break very quickly.

What? Nooo. I don’t want the stupid mouse-balls ever again. Sure i could clean it but i also HAD to. Regularly.

Besides, you’re right. Fuck subscriptions. Fuck logitech, fuck their shitty quality.

Oh okay. I’m relieved. But nowadays you can’t be sure if such things are sarcasm, satire or just reality.

(besides the jokes, for those who wonder about the image:

A guy, John Jones, 26, died like this in “Nutty Putty Cave”

Makes a depressing read)

Before making another comment being shocked by the same:

before tip

Before the actual fucking what? Who tips landlords? Is that a thing somewhere on this weird earth?

Ubuntu and WinServer2019 vms split over a proxmox-machine and server2019-hyperv-machine

2 each for replication.

So true. I’m in the warez-scene for >3 decades now, never had a single issue. But nowadays legit software, especially AAA? Ugh…

That’s why i stopped using those at all. It’s always the same.

But screw alexa. Why would i even want a bug sending my voice to some random server? And pay for it? Wouldn’t use that thing if they’d pay me…

There are still MMOs. They can be a blast with a group of friends who consistently play together. Or Ark? Or Rust?

Jackett is good, but surpassed by prowlarr. Can only recommend migrating.

Didn’t knew it exists. That might make me give nextcloud another chance. Thanks man.

Ah okay. Sounds safe enough. Thanks again :-)

Thanks for the tips! But did i get it right here? A container can has access to other containers?

I only use like 10 VMs, guess there’s no need for overkill with additional stuff. Though I’d like a gui, there probably is one for docker? Once tested a complete os with docker (forgot the name) but it seemed very unfriendly and ovey convoluted.

Ah ok thanks, the security-aspect is indeed important to me. So I shouldn’t really use it for critical things. Especially those with external access.

Lol…nah i somehow prefer at least caddy non-containerized. Many domains and ports, i think that would not work great in a container with the certificates (which i also need to manually copy regularly to some apps). But what do i know 😁

Won’t need to containerize my own stuff. Yet. But many apps just give a recent docker or some outdated manual install stuff. Hence why i get more and more annoyed/intrigued by docker 😁

Thanks for the guide!

Oh… But that means I need another server with a reverse-proxy to actually reach it by domain/ip? Luckily caddy already runs fine 😊

Thanks man!

Thank you. Guess i really need to take some time to get into it. Just never saw a real reason.

Ok, that does save a lot of overhead and space. Does it impact performance compared to a vm?

Ah okay. So it’s like an escape from dependancy-hell… Thanks.

Hm. That doesn’t really sound bad. Thanks man, I guess I will take some time to read into it. Currently on proxmox, but AFAIK it does containers too.

But that’s possible with a vm too. Or am I missing something here?

Actually only tried a docker container once tbh. Haven’t put much time into it and was kinda forced to do. So, if I got you right, I do define the container with like nic-setup or ip or ram/cpu/usage and that’s it? And the configuration of the app in the container? is that IN the container or applied “onto it” for easy rebuild-purpose? Right now I just have a ton of (big) backups of all VMs. If I screw up, I’m going back to this morning. Takes like 2 minutes tops. Would I even see a benefit of docker? besides saving much overhead of cours.

But I can’t really tinker IN the docker-image, right? It’s maintained elsewhere and I just get what i got. But with way less tinkering? Do I have control over the amount/percentage of resources a container uses? And could I just freeze a container, move it to another physical server and continue it there? So it would be worth the time to learn everything about docker for my “just” 10 VMs to replace in the long run?

Not OP, but, seriously asking, why should I? I usually still use VMs for every app i need. Much more work I assume, but besides saving time (and some overhead and mayve performance) what would I gain from docker or other containers?

You guys can exit vim? 😁

Same. You can’t imagine the amount of discussions with wifey i had about this. Life is hard 🙄

Also it’s not chaos when i exactly know where everything is. Even if there are socks on top of it. I put them there. For a reason.

Then two would still be better than one 😉