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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


It’s nonsense because it is boring and generic.

You could have just not read it and it wouldn’t change a thing.

The successful are also not robbed. Only the lazy non-working are robbed.

Most of the annoying stuff that Linux users hate about Windows are because Windows has to cater to even the least technologically knowledgeable users.

It is why Windows updates are forced, why so many files are locked behind SYSTEM user and can’t easily be circumvented, why some settings are registry or Group Policy only, why some settings are opt out, …

Without those, their support center would blow up.

So if Linux wants to become mainstream, it will have to cater to those users as well. And Linux will slowly turn into Windows.

You can make this argument for literally every business, though. Which business does not have a single pool of resources and multiple clients to consume them?

The majority of factories. They get an order in and produce the product until that order is fulfilled. They don’t have to be running 24/7, it is just that that is the most profitable.

But if you stick to your “analogy”, a factory also chooses who their customers are. And if some are too demanding, they just drop them. Like the casinos.

Not all, but more than front enders being able to do backend is my point.

If that were true, you’d have more front end devs being able to do backend instead of the other way around.

Nazi’s whole ideology is that they see themselves better than everyone else and they are willing to kill the “lesser beings” in order to make the world “pure”.

It is literally the genocide ideology.

There are no good Nazi’s, because if a Nazi was good, they wouldn’t be a Nazi.

Yeah, or like having a separate screen for entering your username and one for entering your password …

I wouldn’t say it is the best hardware, but it is definitely the best bang for your buck

USB-c manages all those protocols when you plug it in.

It will always pick the best one depending on the available hardware.

It all depends on how safe you want your data to be.

Second Hard drives should be fine with enough redundancy.

I’d rather run 2 secondhand drives in Raid 1 than a single new drive.

Get yer dicks here, fresh dicks, only slightly used!

The strengths of Machine Learning are in the extremely complex programs.

Programs no junior dev would be able to accomplish.

So if the post can misrepresent the issue, then the commenter can do so too.

The difference is that we own the hardware. We can treat it as bad/good as we wants and we only have ourselves to blame if things go wrong. It also costs exactly the same whether we use it for 1 month or 100 years.

Every language has a different lay out because they are all based upon the typing machine.

Which needed a specific layout so the hammers didn’t hit each other during commonly typed letters.

And yes, British English is a different language than American English. That is why you have things like colour and color.

That comfort exists on other keyboards as well

There are like thousands of different keyboard layouts, and you can be certain there will be one that is more comfortable than the US for programming.

Colemak is considered the best for programming.

They wouldn’t be using them if they didn’t think they were superior. Even if it is just because they are used to them.

Don’t they understand the mods leaving is a consequence of that “tantrum”?

You mean like how people cherish hand drawn animation over digital? Cause except for some niche projects, the majority don’t.

Not everyone who play female characters do so because they are secretly trans.

I don’t identify with the character I play, I just like girls. They are a lot more aesthetically pleasing.

Targeting terrorists with bombs while civilians are about makes you a terrorist as well. Bombs kill indiscriminately.

Especially if they turned Gaza into a concentration camp.

As Jews they really should know better.

If they were actually after terrorists, they would send in foot soldiers who can determine who is a terrorists and who is being used as human shield.

God I hate Pinterest.

Not only do they steal pictures in bad quality from other sites and write their website in such a way to always come out on top of search results, it also takes multiple seconds to close the webpage.

Does it allow you to be social and participate in conversations?

So yes.

Yes, those all are sounds.

From Wikipedia:

Tinnitus is a variety of sound that is heard when no corresponding external sound is present.

Should have been more distinct. Sounds are just vibration, they don’t need to go through air.

Which you can click away in a matter of seconds and never encounter them ever again, even after updates.

Did you also know there is an option to disable suggested apps, which removes every and all notifications you may consider ads?

Did you disable it, or do you like complaining too much?

So instead of looking into the settings and disabling fastboot, you decided to completely wipe the OS and install something else?

And here I thought Linux users understood technology…

Mac is no different though.

Every piece of software has mistakes, the more complex the more mistakes it has.

Normally they don’t give much trouble, but their issues can pile up.

So the longer the computer stays working, the bigger that pile gets. Rebooting makes sure you start from a clean slate.

Servers have less problems with it because they don’t get modified much and their software is tested for long term.

But your Mac, no matter how much you claim it doesn’t cause issues, still does even if you don’t notice them.

Like all these complaints about Windows: this can be changed in the settings

Strange how a company with infinite money just produces stuff they like huh?

Every company should try that.

I can load even more tracks with 0 RAM on Windows.

Just one big page file.

They already do so with apps.

If Apple deems the app too old, then it won’t be compatible and is as useful as a brick.