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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 25, 2023


Leave home 5 minutes early, and leave work 5 minutes early. Both of which will probably save you a bunch of driving time.

It’s the silently part that is the problem. If you want your personal pictures to be stored on your personal cloud, you’re a lot more likely to want location tags attached. If it just told you that it was stripping the tags, then you could disable it for certain apps, Rather than not noticing until you already deleted the original images from the phone.

I fail to see what’s wrong with that. If you aren’t intending to sell it, then it’s just hoarding. The only exception I can think of is something you’ve made but haven’t put on the market yet, and an “incomplete and under active development” clause could easily take care of that.

Hey, it’s not like they’re errors or anything.

I can definitely see a lot of potential in using LLMs like a templating service. The entire point of an LLM is to generate something that, on a surface level, looks correct, which is basically what a template is.

I mean, crypto apps don’t prey on poor people anymore than casinos do.

Because I have a hoarding problem, and channeling it towards data hoarding prevents me from having all the conventional problems that come with hoarding.

So, basically like going to sleep and waking up?

This is the default behavior for most torrent clients. The only time it is not, is when the downloader on the other end has their torrent client manually set to download the torrent sequentially.

You know those links on the right sidebar of stack overflow? Those things are evil, yet awesome.

That’s almost certainly a partial cross seed, but if it isn’t, that’s one hell of an accomplishment.

Yes, but it’s private enough to not get any DMCA letters.

The ideal solution is multiple competing services with the same content.

“as per my previous email” is basically that, but with many more curse words.