Disco Inferno

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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 30, 2024


Beelink are solid in my opinion, but I was in the same boat, I picked one at random that had the specs I wanted.

It will give the police officers more time to focus on their main job, shooting minorities

This reminds me of the time that Malwarebytes revoked 3 of my perpetual licenses that I bought before they moved over to a subscription model. Sorry, I told them I was never going to stop talking shit about them until the day I die, so I take any opportunity to bitch about it

You left stuff exposed is the only explanation. I’ve had services running for years without a problem

I mean some of them are less good than others, and the economies on them vary. Most decent ones these days though use a points system where you earn points based on how long you’ve seeded torrents. You use points to purchase upload credit which artificially raises your ratio. Not all of them require you to have accounts on other trackers, some of them have an interview process that after you’ve passed you can create an account, I’m not sure if this is what you mean by “open/effectively open”. These are still private trackers, and from them you can get access to invite only trackers. There’s several avenues you can take to get onto different private trackers, it’s not hard it just takes time (and seeding!)

Besides 1337 who is good?

Literally any private tracker is a million times better

AlphaRatio goes down nearly daily at this point and we don’t even get cryptic messages

Btop running in multiple ssh sessions lol

Edit: lol you said “easy”

Of course, if I didn’t they might end up using a public tracker to download torrents

I hope your IT department has a sense of humor lol

It’s against the rules of most trackers to give out invites to randos, sorry bud. Find one that is doing an open sign up and register an account. Then figure out which torrent sites recruit from the site you signed up for.
