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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


Oh damn cool. Feels like ages since they announced it. Looking forward to trying it.

Oh wait is it actually releasing this decade?

Reminds me I need to get around to playing more. Got to the like first real city and then got busy with a lot of things but it’s cool for sure.

Tried this on a Next Fest and it was super cool, definitely something different and interesting if you’re into side scrollers.

Gotta milk this one for 10 years too so yeah can’t release it all at once that would be silly.

I didn’t say 1/5? I just said definitely longer. But I’ll say it doesn’t need to be 5x the price of Chrono trigger. I’m happy it looks nice and is a good remake but it should be like half that price at most.

Also, idk reviews saying 10 hours so idk if it’s easier and shorter with the remake or if they’ve already played it this time is shorter, or they’re exaggerating but 14 to 24 (which almost doubles if you want to play all the endings, and then idk how much the added content adds but it’s more than 0 hours.)

Lol what. Chrono Trigger A is definitely longer at like 24ish hours for a playthrough, B has what 12 endings? Which adds replay value way past a single playthrough adding a lot more hours to it. C is selling for $10 on iOS, with updated content to extend the play time even more than the original including now a 13th ending.

Ah, $15 on steam.

I mean, it has fast travel points. It has cross sever interaction (mega servers). The dungeon finder needs work for sure. It’s definitely playable as a solo experience and when other people show up it isn’t bad. Not lining up to kill a mob as anyone who hits it gets credit. No sharing resource deposits so you don’t get upset if someone else is mining shit while you are. They’ve done an okay job at making endgame more accessible with strikes and challenge modes recently, though if you want pure endgame it’s likely not the game for you. But from what the poster had said, it has almost everything they asked for.

Sounds like you want to play guild wars 2 for the most part.

To be fair, as someone who cannot see things in my brain at all, there is some amount of innate talent to drawing, but obviously as with everything it takes practice to make it actually good.

More that now that patches are easy to implement across any platform you don’t have to ship something that works well day 1 anymore, nor does it need everything that should be out at release. Often that means people release a game well before it should have released and charge full price for a game that is literally incomplete. Great example would be No Man’s Sky which was “complete” (based on their advertisements) maybe 3 years ago(whenever they implemented actual multiplayer finally)? And came out 7 years ago.

Yeah, overall it’s fine. It’s definitely enjoyable enough but there’s definitely a lot of work to be done and it worries me when they say they’ll not release the last 3 subclasses until full release when patches are not very stable and entire subclasses with zero testing is… not gonna end up good.

That’s great to hear. I’ll have to check it out eventually, so busy it’ll probably be a while.

How’s the game since launch? I was so hopeful for it but it ended up just the same very boring fucking cycle of go to event that spawns a billion enemies, repeat, do the emergency event when that exists, back to stupid event things that are all the same.

So they walked back the part where they would’ve been sued anyways because it was already in their contract that they couldn’t retroactively charge you unless you renewed/updated. They of course changed it for this update.

“Oops you caught us doing something illegal and bad so we’ll still do the bad part, but we are sooo sorry you caught us trying to do something against our contracts, so I guess we’ll remove that part. See how sorry and humbled we are? Now give us your money.”

Bad title. Will be console exclusive. Not saying it will be next gen.

Seems VG247 had the same issues I did in large after casts and horrible skill queuing that will queue shit like 2 seconds later. I was hoping that would be refined after the demo.

I wouldn’t give it THAT low of a rating though lol.

Fair, depends on the game. CRPG’s will tend to have it in. I mean for example WotR and Kingmaker you can get a bag of holding if you buy it or put stuff into strength on characters or etc in order to not have to worry about it much but it’s still there, and not spending the money on it or building any characters with strength means you will be limited.

It’s not “here to stay” it’s a feature that is used or not used depending on the level of realness wanted. Some are fine with hand waving away encumbrance, some are not.

If you’re playing a walking simulator, it is kinda part of the immersion.

If you’re running around killing every Greek god under the Sun, but suddenly you pick up your 7th weapon that’s just chains with something at the end of it, and BOOM you can’t move anymore cuz your too heavy, then it’s getting in the way. Instead of implementing encumbrance they just, limit you to 6 weapons and tada, they could explain it as “it’s too much weight” but they won’t give you the option for it to happen as slowing you down would kill the pace and feel of the game.

Baldurs gate is a DND based CRPG and Starfield is a loadscreenwalking simulator. Of course they have encumbrance.

No no, it only succeeds on 4 success and you’ve got 6d10 to roll. If only they’d had more dots in intelligence or expression.

To be fair, audiovisual and name recognition is huge. People talk about the game as if nothing like it has ever existed. DOS 1/2, Kingmaker/WotR, PoE I/II, and many more are similar games, also varying levels of amazing, but without large cinematic budgets and mo cap and extensive voice acting and DND name recognition, they don’t even get mentioned in most comparison articles which always just go to DragonAge.

To be fair the game still had a huge fucking budget. You don’t have that many voice lines and get them all to also do mo cap and make a CRPG with that much content on a small budget.

With action cam it’s definitely playable with a controller but I doubt they’ll put in controller support because like… there’s a billion different bindings and everyone rebinds everything in their own so there’s not much point? Browse community bindings and find one that works for you/your character(s).

Idk, personally it was very unengaging and the only way I found it amusing was through a ton of mods or Enderall’s total conversion mod. But everyone’s into different shit.

I mean… sure if you only play games that have that same feeling?

Like oh no BG3 is just elves & Brittania… Duh?

So play WotR and at least go to the Abyss?

Or play any game based not on Tolkien lore? There’s a ton of games based on different mythologies: Raji, Prince of Persia, Tribes of Midgard, Hades, Wo Long, etc.

Or just play games set in just completely different worlds? Pyre/Transistor/Bastion are all interesting worlds. Remnant I/II is a neat concept. etc. More playful stuff like Cuphead/Death’s Door, etc.

Or look at some MMO’s if you want larger worlds with different influence? Guild Wars 2 is pretty decent as far as a good variety with its world/races for example, even if its still similar to a generic fantasy setting.

“Oh no it costs them 10¢ instead of the normal 2¢ per $5 burger. How will they ever financially recover.”

But for real in India that is a big deal. Not for McDonald’s, but everything else. It’s a huge crop. Puts inflation fairly high but still only half as bad as americas was a while ago. Wild to see it swing from a low of 2 to a high of 200 rupees in a few months though. Just seems like poor planning when we can freeze things to have literally thrown them into the streets but idk.