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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


It wouldn’t surprise me if Putin was a pedophile; he’s got that “I destroy lives for my personal desires” kinda vibe ya know?

No, because I don’t pay attention to Fox News or anything related to Fox news. I’m not entertained by the gotcha aspect of politics sorry. I just want to Country be run by people who don’t think it’s the entertainment biz.

That’s because being useful idiot goes both ways and there’s a non-zero chance our people are better at espionage than they are

its not to be a feather in a cap. its because if you don’t feed your shareholders you are breaking the law. growth IS inevitable, thats the entire backbone of the way this system is setup. Breaking even and providing a good product isn’t enough, you have to trend upward always.

I’m so tired of this style of journalism. Do headlines really need to imply people are ready to cry? This is not respectable journalism and I’m not even reading the rest of it after that.

And the Democrats will have won the re-election by then, so the R’s get some good rage baiting out of it again after that.

I love how this is another attempt at making the consumer feel bad for being a participant somehow in the corporations’ material choices for the products they make available as they see fit.

Sorry, your toxic article is a nightmare

Since you gave us absolutely not even a hint of what the linked content is… The intro:

No author has written more insightfully and candidly about white Christian nationalism than Robert P. Jones, chief executive of the Public Religion Research Institute. His latest book, “The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy: And the Path to a Shared American Future,” out this week, discusses three cities that explored racial atrocities committed against Black people and Native Americans and then worked across ideological and racial lines to educate and heal the communities. Here is my recent interview with him, lightly edited and condensed.

Also, you post too much all over the place.

Ok… So when do we change “deeply troubled” into “pressing charges for attempting to corrupt the sovereignty of a voting body” or something that I didn’t maybe just make up right now, even better.

They were just excited to have a chance to use their guns

Suppose he just shouldn’t try then huh? I guess doing nothing is what you prefer.

So is it

Again, the flavor was close to the organic article but not quite there, leaving me with an uncanny-valley feeling. Yet, when dabbed with the plant-based butter next to it on the plate, this faux fish was delicious overall.

or is it

Synthetic fish isn’t quite there yet—and may not be worth the effort

Because the article tells me both. Seems the effort is worth while when you consider the fact that salmon aren’t faring well as a species currently, due to overfishing. As a result, species which rely on salmon, such as orca whales, are also measurably suffering. So if it’s “overall delicious” and can save some damn whales, how is that “not worth the effort” ?

Doesn’t matter. We don’t get that choice. Abide by the law or be illegal, it’s simple. If you opt to be illegal, I would suggest that entertainment media may not be the best line in the sand to draw. It’s not like stealing food to not starve to death. Just becuase you’re bored and feel entitled to be entertained does not mean that someone elsewhere should have to give up possible profit to do so.

To be clear, I’ve got no issues sailing the black season, like many of you, but I won’t be pretending I didn’t know, if I get caught. I recognize what’s legal and not. It’s part of being in a society.

They’re doing themselves absolutely no favors by trying to save archived copies of copyrighted media. It’s bullshit and they need to stop. It’s clearly against the law whether we like the law or not…

It’s a ploy, he wants to get censured so he can claim the evil libs won’t let him share the truth, so his base is riled up enough to act again.

Reminder that Reddit is a massive company and they’re using spez as fall guy and it’s completely working. It’s the only reason he has a job still.

Are they going to ‘red-team’ away adversarial prompting as well? Doubt it. Sooooo the issue is the input data. Always has been.