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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


You do get a feel for where the important parts of the error actually are

Yes, after decades of scanning large pages of text - code, errors, logs, search results, etc - a programmers ability to apply pattern recognition to screens of letters can be truly remarkable.

I never said a majority of stocks are financial. I’m crypto they are tho but that’s kinda obvious given that we are bootstrapping a new financial system.

The internet changed a ton of things!!! Individual investors have so many tools to research now compared to 30 years ago! It’s much easier to get due diligence on investments and confer with others.

Accounting figures are obviously FAR superior with crypto native companies since everything is verifiable.

cryptocurrencies haven’t changed the process for gaining the investment necessary to start a new bakery or other small business and never will provide a pathway to do so

I adamantly disagree with that last part. This is precisely where crypto shines when done right it allows everyone an equal footing on raising and investing in capital projects. Note I’m not saying that it removes risk - it removes friction - admittedly at the cost of risk.

The reason you don’t see this taking off is 100% because of regulations, hoops, lawyers, and capital required to register a security. If I want to tokenize a business plan in the USA, I cannot easily do that without getting wrecked by the SEC.

The elitists can and will continue to do private equity and insider trading to maintain a lead because they have the capital to do so. I can’t speak to how they all feel about crypto. I would assume they would love it too. Free markets are far cheaper than the crap they go through now to do fund raising and such.

It’ll be interesting to see how this goes in the coming 30 years. It definitely benefits countries without a strong financial system already in place way more. Will it outperform the legacy, cumbersome financial system? Time will tell!

I spent 25 years in tradfi as mentioned previously. I’m not delusional or a grifter/scammer.

You realize that some of the things listed on crypto markets actually represent more than just an entry in a distributed ledger, right? I live in Solana (a distributed ledger) world and there’s dozens of tokens which represent true products. Sure most are financial related themselves - but that’s no different than tradfi where banks and exchanges are themselves listed on the exchanges. Others are depin models and governance things for example. It’s a real industry which gets a bad rap since it does enable bad people to do bad things too, and that gets most the press.

First off, our securities regulation is ancient and much is based on a pre internet global world. There’s many changes that can be made to give consumers access to private equity and capital efficiency which currently the rich have guarded for themselves.

Secondly, there are far bigger and badder scams under the current regulation. Enron, worldcom, madoff, tyco, healthsouth, centennial, bre-x etc.

Bad people do bad things under either model, but the free, permissionless model sure opens the door to allow little guys to have a chance.

Raising capital for a small venture in a free global market is a tough nut to crack. And yeah thar be dragons there. But it’s such a freeing concept once you see it in action. I believe in freedom of money, and the global revolution it can bring.

This is simply not true. I’ve been a fulltime software dev in the crypto space for 3 years. Moved to crypto after 25 years in the financial sector. My work in the crypto space is a near parallel to the legacy financial sector wrt products and services I’m delivering.

Sure crypto has a scammer and hype and meme angle but I operate in none of those.

Think of NASDAQ without all the rules. Where anyone can list and trade anything, even complex financial derivatives. It’s so freeing for the little guy. It levels the playing field of the financial system and access to capital quite a bit.

Oh I was good using x-modem on wwiv bbs’s at 1200bps too

Ah yes. Life before Agile was wonderful.

Thanks for politely asking for more info. I find myself a bit brash sometimes as I live on crypto twitter as my day job. So sorry if the initial message was harsh; I deal with a lot of shit posters.


The Radicle protocol leverages cryptographic identities for code and social artifacts, utilizes Git for efficient data transfer between peers, and employs a custom gossip protocol for exchanging repository metadata.

So it has a gossip protocol to spread the repo, and a common format for artifacts (issues, PRs, etc) to act more like GitHub.

I don’t know too much more because I just started looking into it a month or two ago and haven’t done a deep dive. But it’s a layer on top of git to spread repositories peer to peer instead of manually having people add remotes.

Perhaps https://radicle.xyz/

I was just looking at that today due to the increase in repo takedowns lately.

Yeah and it won’t tell you that it hasn’t seen this pattern before. It will just make things up out of the blue which seem like they might be correct.

Stay away from ChatGPT for bleeding edge things.

What OS do you run? Are you planning on sharing this app with others? Should it be a web app?

Happy to help!

In my 30 years of experience, it is usually the devs.

Yeah then you’ve got security problems. If a maintainer pulls a package, you wouldn’t want some rando able to push a new one in its place.

I’m well aware how async works in the single threaded js environment. All code blocks the main thread! Calling await on an async operation yields back.

You’re right, async is commonly mixed up with multi-threaded. And in fact in many languages the two things work hand in hand. I’m very aware of how it works in JavaScript.

We are agreeing. Don’t need more info.

Yes I’m simplifying a LOT, but in the context of background web calls, that was what callbacks became so important for. XMLHttpRequest in IE 5 sparked the Ajax movement and adventures in nested callbacks.

Prior to that, the browser had window.setTimeout and its callback for delays and animation and such - but that’s it.

The main purpose of all this async callback stuff was originally, and arguably still is (in the browser), for allowing the ui event loop to run while network requests are made.

NodeJS didn’t come into the picture for almost 10 years or so.

It can lock up a UI doing cpu bound work. Making a web request, no. Preventing the ui thread from waiting on native IO is what async was created for.

There are other “nothing happened” data points. A graph represented as having a x-axis of time shouldn’t be staggered anyhow.

They probably discovered that they can get paid to promote certain songs.

So now what you have is the same as FM radio, except you pay for it now.

You are right, however, if publicly traded corporation’s profits are high, you can hop on that gravy train through the stock market.

Kinda shitty of the chart creator to leave out 2018 and 2021. While the point still stands, it biases it against Netflix.

It’s just purposefully misleading. Not cool, chart maker dude. Not cool.

Now who is the one making fucking noise without looking a things from a common sense perspective?

IMO, you. Again, the video isn’t marketing. The car auto-starts just fine without paying anyone a penny extra.

The manufacturer offers overpriced warranties and app features. Totally optional. You don’t have to buy it.

The dealership offers overpriced vehicle service also. It’s optional. You don’t have to buy it.

Some people want that stuff. I don’t. You don’t. 🤝

The video shows the fob starting the car. It also states that you can pay for the app to be able to do it anywhere.

It’s not a promo video, it’s a “how to” for car owners.

Are we not to believe that it really does that?

What is this internet thing for if I can’t find information? Do I have to drive to a car dealership and ask to find out if this is true? Do I need to see it in action? When I do, can you even trust my answer?

It’s for office workers or inner city dwellers in cold regions. They can start their car which is in the parking garage blocks away. It makes sense and it costs money to run.

Theres nothing wrong at all with this. At all. Image is FUD

I’m failing to draw a connection between what OP said about his friend, and the rant you wrote.

That is also exactly how I see it. Do you think the negative view is due to some primal jealousy? I don’t know how else to describe not liking something/someone because it’s better than you.

Perhaps it is from a viewpoint of sports, where performance enhancing drugs are frowned upon.

We don’t get mad at calculators anymore, but we did at one point. There was quite a large movement to ban them in schools. Isn’t this a similar thing on the “creative” side?

You’re right. It behaves exactly like we do. And yes, it is at a much grander scale.

Is something ethically, legally, or morally wrong with a computer that does what we do, but does it better?

I agree with you 100% but it’s hard to convert others.

Same with art - AI mimicking your art after looking at all art is no different than a human looking at all art and having a style that mimics their favorites.

Same with imitation of face and voice.

Oh sure I see those ads that are directly benefitting a content creator. I can skip or listen to those

Huh? I’ve been a premium user for years. Haven’t seen an ad in a video in forever. Not sure what op is showing but looks like a little one time notification of a new feature. If I saw I’d have closed and never seen again.

It’s domestic as well. Red vs Blue is just a distraction and you can’t point this out because nearly everyone is divided along those lines to the point of ignoring getting fucked up the ass.

That entirely depends on if what you’re running requires lots of ram or is more cpu bound. I wouldn’t conflate the two as directly related.

Yeah, this is pretty much what I thought. So I don’t understand why people are pretending that eight or 16 is going to cut it.

Maybe they are just happy purposefully limiting usage due to a constraint that they don’t realize is easy to raise.

I like to have 3 4k monitors and four desktops and 10 chrome tabs opened on each one along with SQL stuff and a half dozen vscode windows, and a full visual studio or 2, wsl2 running with a dozen docker containers, plus all of the collaboration programs like Telegram and Discord. And I don’t like to close any of that down when I go play flight simulator. So the extra couple hundos is nothing so that I can be sure to never run out of ram.