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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 19, 2024


Wouldn’t it be ironic if the production they slowed down was for the aid that Canada was going to airdrop to Gaza?

Wasn’t the same thing being said for the last 5-6 years and nothing changed?

That is behind a paywall but I’m aware of that incident. Again, what does my emotional reaction matter?

INTENT. A mind is a shame to waste. You really should apologize to the trees for wasting the oxygen they work so hard to produce. BTW, there were not 26,000 deaths in Gaza and the 25,000 is including other causes of death.

Cease-fire is fine but calling it a genocide is akin to saying the shooting at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas a few years back was a genocide of country music fans.

I seriously doubt they intended to torture him to death. they just cheaper out and instead of using an air-tight chamber, they used a leaky mask that allowed air to mix with the nitrogen. Fucking dumb, cheap redneck bastards. Hopefully, the US will learn from this botched execution.

It means simply that this is not a genocide and calling it such is an insult to the victims of actual genocides.

It is crucial to understand the weight and gravity of the term “genocide”. It is not a term to be thrown around lightly or used carelessly. The act of genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. It is a heinous crime against humanity and a violation of the most fundamental human rights.

Unfortunately, the term “genocide” has been misused and abused in recent times. The ongoing conflict in certain regions of the world has led to the misapplication of the term, especially in situations where it does not necessarily apply. The mislabeling of such conflicts as “genocides” is not only inaccurate but also disrespectful to the victims of actual genocides.

The Tutsi in Rwanda, the Cambodians by the Khmer Rouge, the Armenians by the Ottoman Empire, and Darfur are just a few examples of the horrific atrocities that have been committed in the name of genocide. These are real genocides with real victims, and to equate them with other conflicts that do not meet the criteria of genocide is to belittle the suffering and pain of those who have endured such atrocities.

It is important to distinguish between acts of violence and genocide, as the latter is a specific and intentional crime. The use of the term “genocide” inappropriately can have serious consequences, including the potential to undermine legitimate efforts to prevent and respond to actual genocides.

Therefore, it is essential to use the term “genocide” with caution and precision. Those who misuse the term, either intentionally or out of ignorance, do a disservice to the victims of real genocides and hinder efforts to prevent such crimes from occurring in the future.