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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Just use the defaults. It is much slower and CPU heavy but the end result is way better

Ansible honestly. You can use Ansible to report on facts. Outside of that you Aldo could use Telegraf+influxdb+grafana

Neither honestly. However, I am also not really the unskilled user trying to self host

I don’t think you can with caddy

It would make more sense to sell a management service


However, it is better just to move all users to ldap

Fine, use Netbird or whatever else floats your boat.

Debian and occasionally rocky and fedora

It is all about risk management. What you are doing now is pretty solid. It might be easier to have them use a mesh VPN like netbird or tailscale

Wouldn’t you want at least some TCP?

Can Wireguard to NAT traversal? Let’s say I have a publicly facing server A and then two devices B and C behind two separate nats. Can B reach C directly via hole punching by A?

Get someone with strong IT knowledge. Don’t try to do it yourself as it will backfire.

Netbird is easier to use although it is a little less developed

I’m interested in Tinc but there isn’t a lot of documentation

FreeBSD isn’t going to have the same support as Linux.

Under Linux you could use Ceph or even garage object storage. There are plenty of other options. Maybe you could try to get Linux stuff working on BSD.

Alternatively you could setup a highly available NFS share.

I don’t “support” any company. I buy products that I need or want. If they are good I buy more.

Most Linux container runtimes have health checks build in

What are you trying to do? Debian is pretty solid but you also could go with Rocky Linux or tons of others. Heck, you could even buy a Red hat license if you felt like it for some reason.

I don’t blame a lot of IT professionals for not wanting to self host. Especially if they are maintaining services for a living. When you do that same thing you do at work at home it gets very annoying quickly.

Honestly it would be really cool to see more self hosting in the farming space. I want to see a iot system that it run by the farmer.

Before we know it there will be a server room at each farm

I think you need to be at least somewhat technical

Wait, why wouldn’t they? They could wipe the entire disk if they so choose

I think it is likely an option on both Linode and Digital ocean

How so? They clearly say physical access is not in there threat model. If someone has root it is game over.

If you set it up incorrectly you can perform an attack called vlan hoping.

You also need to setup Firewall rules to properly isolate zones

Only if you don’t set it up correctly. You should set which devices are allowed to set which vlans and then make sure client devices aren’t authorized to send or receive tagged packets.

You then combine that with a firewall only needed traffic allowed.

  • SElinux

  • monitoring

  • proper containers (ideally rootless)

  • separate accounts for each function and permission set. Your containers should run as a low privileged user

Don’t do ZFS on ZFS. It will destroy performance.

I personally go for EXT4 as is solid and light weight. It is also somewhat resistant to power loss

Ufs seems weird to use outside of flash

My personal preference is Linode and maybe Azure

I don’t understand. Why would you store VM disks on NTFS? This isn’t a viable solution and you need to rethink your design. Also for guest filesystems I would go with ext4 as it has lower overhead while still being reasonably modern.

Getting Started with Self Hosted LLM
I've been playing around with [Ollama](https://ollama.com) in a VM on my machine and it is really useful. To get started I would start by making sure you have capable hardware. You will need recent hardware so that old computer you have laying around may not be enough. I created a VM on my laptop with KVM and gave it 8gb of ram and 12 cores. Next, read the readme. You can find the Readme at the github repo https://github.com/ollama/ollama Once you run the install script you will need to download models. I would download Llama2, Mistral and LLava. As an example you can pull down llama2 with ```ollama pull llama2``` Ollama models are available in the online repo. You can see all of them here: https://ollama.com/library Once they are downloaded you need to setup openwebui. First, install docker. I am going to assume you already know how to do that. Once docker is installed pull and deploy open web UI with this command. Notice its a little different than the command in the open web UI docs.``` docker run -d --net=host -e OLLAMA_BASE_URL="http://localhost:11434 -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always ghcr.io/open-webui/open-webui:main``` Notice that the networking is shared with the host. This is needed for the connection. I also am setting the environment variable in order to point open web UI to ollama. Once that's done open up the host IP on port 8080 and create an account. Once that's done you should be all set.

What’s your thoughts on Rustdesk?
So I've been using Rustdesk with a self hosted server for business and personal use now for some time. However, it is definitely the sketchiest foss software I've used. It seems to be based in China but the developers keep lying and saying its in Singapore. Here is a list if everything I've found: https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/14kjvkg/community_consensus_on_rustdesk_with_all_the/ https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk/discussions/1159 https://www.reddit.com/r/rustdesk/comments/y230hf/my_rustdesk_client_try_to_communication_with/ https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/10ppntj/reminder_about_the_shadyness_of_rustdesk/ https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/109tn1i/rustdesk_server_117_supports_ipv6_now_selfhosted/j42pf4m/ https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/uurta8/_/ https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/y80sw1/as_someone_that_knows_nothing_about_virtualremote/isxvib2/ https://youtu.be/JIAdEGX_sIU It seems that now the clients and OSS server are completely foss which is good. They also no longer have public servers in China according to them. In the client itself it also now has better defaults so you are less at risk of getting attacked. It still is sketch but it now is slightly less sketch I guess? Either way its not ideal.

What’s your thoughts on the new netbird UI?
It is way more functional in terms of options but its now clunky. For those who don't know, Netbird is a mesh VPN for connecting devices together over the internet.

I bought a Cybergeek minipc but my pcie drive isn’t showing up
It works in other devices and there isn't any options in bios. Any ideas? Edit: I returned it

Public DNS server with gui
I am looking to setup a public DNS server and I found this DNS server https://technitium.com/dns/ Does anyone know what the risks are of exposing the DNS port to the internet? How likely am I to get compromised? Is this a really bad idea?