• 10 Posts
Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2024


So now we get to hear about it being “maybe” for the next 4 years

This isn’t a trade dispute. Trump wants to actually annex Canada
Canada cannot win a trade war with the US. When we are on our knees he's going to ask for Yukon, nwt and nunavut. Saying basically nobody lives there and we don't need it. He can easily buy out northern Canadians by offering lots of money or citizenship and the other 39 million Canadians will reluctantly agree it's the best compromise. He knows climate change is real and it makes the north more and more viable every day due to its resources and shipping route. Another obvious hint at this was traitor Danielle Smith suggesting US military bases in the north just last week.

A lot of the userbase here thinks this way and it’s very tiresome

I’ve seen that report before too. I failed to mention it’s also in the best interests of the MPs to inflate their own properties.

The liberals do everything in their power to keep housing prices high. Trudeau himself even said that the majority of the Canada pension fund is invested in REITs

No you should definitely try to influence people into voting for the right guy. Most everyday tim hortons canadians seem on the fence about things right now.

I didn’t know he had citizenship. Fuck that guy.

Dude thinks tesla is the biggest automotive manufacturer on the planet. Please don’t vote for this goober

The man likes insufferable women though I think. He was married to Sophie.

I’m not a leftist though. Men and women are different and they have always had very different roles in society. Saying otherwise is not progressive and it’s not misogynistic either. Fathers and husbands are defensive of their daughters/wives due to human instinct, not because they “own them”. Men are providers and protect women.

Ivanka is the one who wants Trudeau and it would also piss off Donald. Everyone would win.

It already is like a black mirror episode

If I didn’t live in green party territory I would still vote for him. I wasn’t polled…

Trudeau is a survivor haha this isn’t the last we’ll be seeing of him

I agree with you mostly except I’m pretty afraid of Trump and I fear irreversible damage in the next 4 years. If Trump wasn’t in office I wouldn’t be overly concerned about a CPC majority

I think Pierre will be easily bought out and let Trump have his way. Fresh water will be piped to the states during his tenure, and he will try to gaslight us into thinking it’s a good deal, that’s my prediction

Yeah I could go for some legal hookers right now

Dang welcome to Trump’s Canada I guess. Scary times boys

The title is hilarious though. It’s not technically wrong

Polls don’t reflect real results. I am afraid a vast majority of canadians have been brainwashed into voting CPC no matter what, just like down south

Eby should run for PM though, honestly EZ win. He’s like 200cm tall and could just eat all the other candidates

Can’t wait to say I told you so when he loses his seat to the CPC

Voters here like the provincial NDP, not the federal NDP. They’re far from the same thing. Besides, the only reason they barely won is because Eby is like really based. He should run for federal NDP, would be easy win.

I live in NDP stronghold Victoria and I don’t know anyone who still supports him

Don’t worry about it man this sub is dead. It’s not like your post is drowning out any others lol

Yeah if they don’t replace him with a populist then it’s a conservative majority coming soon

If he loses his seat does he? He’s not going to win his seat again and he knows this

The fact he won’t call an election shows me he is only in it for the pension.

If Singh doesn’t call an election then he is the biggest grifter in parliament

Experienced traveler here and I fly with weed depending on the country. If you are going to the EU and you were actually caught I bet it’s a slap on the wrist at best

I think willingly travelling to Dubai is dumb, weed or not lol

I keep flying to Iceland with weed in hopes they’ll put me in prison there but it goes undetected even when hidden in plain sight

Yeah it’s gotta be that and the $250 cheques.

Hate to agree with you but there is basically one hundred percent chance the conservatives win a majority next election

If Jack Layton was running the NDP right now they could win but not with a clown like Singh

I cannot stand bushcraft lmao

It’ll happen whether we want it to or not. We have fresh water they desperately need

Living in a resort town isn’t as good as you might think. You get annoyed by tourists very quickly and eventually you end up taking the place for granted anyway

Firefighters from Mexico arrive at Edmonton International Airport to help with wildfires
Facebook (sorry) post is public so you should be able to close the popup to view. Post makes me feel really emotional.