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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Dec 01, 2023


I live in Russia, so meaningful elections are off the menu for a period of time.

The fact that a mod decided that my comment should be removed is telling. See, if we consider that only freaks openly funded by Russia yadda yadda are its hands in Europe, then what I said is harmful, because I’m spreading the attention of the reader to wide. But if what I said is true and European politics are in general, just as well in the West, penetrated by Russian\Azeri\etc influence, with bribing politicians and companies which then lobby for criminal regimes, then what that mod did is much more harmful.

A horrible simplification. Power is what they are fighting for and they are getting it.

This is also what the Putler-backed far right parties in Europe stand for.

In European politics corrupt, and usually by Russia among others, parties encompass much more than these. You can tell easily a not yet poisoned voice when comparing with theirs.

It’s not about short\long term or anything such.

It’s about oligopoly that inserted itself at the core of the society (where town squares, pubs, inns and paper media would be in “good old times”), openly abuses it and claims it’s normal. They are basically monetizing lies and distortion.

They are also very centralized and thus anti-democratic.

Taxing is not enough. I’d say making commercial social media should be illegal as a thing. Get back to newsgroups and web forums.

This doesn’t mean going back to stone age, nobody forces us to use actual Usenet. Freenet has decentralized newsgroups (Frost and FMS), it’s too slow, but P2P newsgroups are not an unsolvable task. Newsgroups don’t have to be text-only - if HTML e-mails are a thing, then so can be HTML is newsgroup posts.

Of course nobody will make them illegal, they benefit the same people who make laws.

despite threats from American lawmakers to carry out trade reprisals against a levy that will primarily hit U.S. firms

All while reddit and lemmy users accuse them of being right wing, neoliberal and all that.

What can be less neoliberal than mercantilism, really?

and it didn’t stop their operations for too long

You had to change proxies regularly, so it did. With some ISPs, at least.

I think it wasn’t for really blocking it, just to test whether they can block it if they need it, during some big events.

This doesn’t make it secure for anything else. There are also plenty of private torrent trackers.

WTF is this ignorant “I know what they want but I’m smarter” crap, if you don’t know how it works you know nothing, and “what they want” you get from news.

I know of a few governments not trying to really. Like the Russian one.

Read something about its internals before saying something as stupid.

XMPP with OMEMO is secure (not for targeted attacks, in that case you’ll just get a trojan on your Android device via some unclosed vulnerability and finita la comedia, or rubber hose cryptanalysis will be applied).

Ooo, can I be that too? I would use bad words for these people when I was a kid in 2007, you know, when it wasn’t mainstream, but everybody wanted to believe that Russia just has a flawed democracy.

As an aside: I’ve begun to think that ADHD and some other neurodivergences are actually evolutionary responses to the exponentially increasing amount of data processing that modern humanity does on a daily basis, just not having long enough time for natural selection to smooth out the rough edges yet. Give it a few hundred thousand years or so.

N-no, it’s happening too fast to be explained by recent evolution. It’s been there, just psychiatry has only recently become interested in people without hallucinations, inability to speak and murderous impulses.

I’d rather imagine that a population needs a certain proportion of explorers or people behaving more chaotically.

Normies at this point are trained like Pavlov’s dogs to ignore the very possibility to treat these big companies as they should be treated by law.

They are irrationally afraid that Earth will split in half and become infested by goblins if there’s no Apple, just separate Apple Computer, Apple Mobile, Apple Music, Apple TV, Applesoft - I want to see this - and so on, no Google, just separate Google Search, Google Mobile, Googlesoft - ok, not as funny, - etc, Microsoft is a small company and there are also Microhard and Microcloud …

Apocalypse didn’t happen when AT&T was broken up. Nokia wasn’t broken up by regulators, but that didn’t lead to an apocalypse too, while still was a bad thing. DEC or Sun going down didn’t cause apocalypse.

You know Putin ran the KGB right?

He didn’t, he wasn’t any kind of a boss from what I read. We have your imagination altering things quite a lot right here.

And that’s if they don’t fall out a window first!

By the way, this is not a known joke in Russia. There are also no bears roaming Moscow streets.

Real political opponents have mostly been shunned by state-controlled media to the degree most people considered them madmen or potential terrorists, and then with time passing some died, some grew out of relevance.

A few have been killed, yes, in a very short period of time during the second Chechen war. Starovoitova, Politkovskaya. EDIT: And with no irony if only they hadn’t, Russia would be completely different.

Then people of worse kind (like Nemtsov or Sobchak etc, who themselves participated in creating the system of government Putin uses) claimed that they are the opposition now, that didn’t quite work out, but interesting that even such a completely fake “elite” can evolve. I’m not sure if Nemtsov’s murder was even connected to politics TBF.

And then people like Navalny (initially doing some kind of nationalist activism, against immigration, street crime and corruption) suddenly became the opposition and themselves changed with time. It’s fascinating how a society evolves.

This maybe doesn’t belong here, point is there hasn’t been many defenestrations involved.

All the way to Putin’s bunker and then he’d have to catch Putin there.

That’s not an argument, heart attacks, aneurysms happen. Of course prison environment, bad sleep, bad food, cold etc affected this.

I happen to be a Firefox user

I happen to be a former conkeror user, which was based on XULRunner, which Mozilla dropped, just like other ways to use their engine for other browsers.

But I could use pre-Australis Firefox.

Only then their experiments on people with UI design happened.

And yes, Mozilla as an organization has objective flaws. Their treatment of the SeaMonkey project (now separate) has not been good as well.

I personally just don’t like people calling it AI. It’s not.

I remember that what you are describing was already present in the “open web” of old.

You’d come to some place “openly”, but then (in case of RP forums)

  1. until you’d write a long character description and discuss it with mods for long, you wouldn’t be allowed to post in most parts of that forum, and

  2. until you had chatted over ICQ with a few people from that forum and knew who they are and they knew who you are, you wouldn’t be really welcome, people would just ignore your posts.

You would come to a place quite socially, not unlike IRL meetings. It wouldn’t be FB or Google confirming your registration and giving you right to post, it would be a real person you were going to communicate with later.

And maybe I’m not that asocial\autistic\etc, if that was fine with me back then and what’s now isn’t. Maybe I’m just afraid of silent eyes and silent hands managing my social interactions, which is sane.

It wasn’t really IE-only. People sort of could use Netscape, and then Mozilla, and then Firefox. And Opera which wasn’t free.

And it was so fast, awww. And had a built-in BitTorrent client which didn’t suck balls and didn’t feel excessive.

And all that caching.

What I don’t get is why hasn’t there been a split yet. Not like Seamonkey, but from major developers of FF.