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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


i’d put my money on there being another “aniwave” soon, rather than streaming anime is gone forever

the fact that these morons think that piracy depends on some singular centralized “mothership” that controls everything just demonstrates how clueless they are

Fmovies, which the film industry group also called the “world’s largest piracy ring,” is said to have drawn more than 6.7 billion visits between January 2023 and June 2024. Launched in 2016, the Hanoi-based outfit included pirate sites bflixz, flixtorz, movies7, myflixer, and aniwave.

i’ve never heard of a single one of those

every time you wash your hands, you murder billions of innocent tiny organism who are just tryna live life

florida’s a miserable oozing pustule on the cock of the earth. no seasons, no landscape, only assholes, mosquitos, asshole mosquitos, and tourists going to either disney or one of the shitty florida beaches with no waves, only red tide and scientologists. and enjoy the 95+ heat when a hurricane knocks your power out for 3 days.

and despite being completely flat with nothing but the most boring straight roads anywhere, nobody knows how the fuck to drive. seriously wtf

fuck florida. there’s no amount of money anyone could pay me to live there again

isn’t it pretty much what amazon’s been doing since the beginning? the difference being there’s no “app” like camel yet to track prices over time at a single store

but yea, still another reason not to go to walmart. how do they mitigate the problem of something being $X when you put it in your cart, and the price being X+whatever by the time you get through the 2 mile long line at one of the 2 open registers?

+1 for qbittorrent. i’m very arrr unsavvy but been using qbit for years and almost always find what i want using its built-in search

no one is as pro-biden as they are anti-trump

on the other hand, pro trump people think he’s the literal messiah and would eat their own shit at his command

it goes back to the intentional removal of critical thinking skills from an early age onward. it’s not “believe what you’re told to believe,” it’s “believe what WE tell you to believe. everything else is fake news”

the younger population is disgusted by all the crusty old white men in the government, so they don’t vote. i know, because i work at a community college. yet another consequence of deliberately hobbling public education while blaming all the world’s ills on abortions, mexicans, gays, women, and black people

“if you can’t win fair and square, then cheat. if you can’t win by cheating, then 1/6/20”


“we’re not going to do anything about anything”
