Yes siree, the excitement never stops!

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 07, 2023


Intelligence has been defined in many ways: the capacity for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

LLMs are pretty capable of abstraction and understanding.

Though they obviously use logic in that they are constructed from/of it, they are not really capable of actual logical analysis, beyond emulating it.

They can’t really do any of the other attributes of intelligence at all, beyond basically decently to poorly emulating them.

Anyone who buys into this deserves the financial ruin that will so obviously happen to them.

If you need to be able to do unions and you are doing it in javascript, you are being absurdly inefficient compared to setting up a postgres db, but i wont be able to convince you of this because of basically nonsense brainwashing from your corporate conditioning.

EDIT: Note to self, do not use lemmy while hangry.

Yep Im wayyyy off base here.

Ah yes, javascript, the database language.

Jesus fucking christ I am so glad I don’t work in the corporate tech sector anymore.

God I still cannot believe how obviously bullshit that all was and how many fucking idiots parroted it hook line and sinker.

Wait, so, the Cloud is actually just a bunch of other computers, called servers, and the only real innovation is basically a load balancing system?

Next youre gonna tell me I wont be able to stream lagless video games and also do competitive multiplayer on my Google Stadia, pff, like youre some kind of expert or something.


I actually had a tankie tell me that Chinese is not actually a bunch of what us Americans would actually more properly call different languages altogether, when I told a story about a friend I knew from Hong Kong, speaking Cantonese and a little a English, had to actually go through me (Cantonese, English, capable of translating Cantonese to Vietnamese, but not Mandarin, because my phone waa bugging out), and a nearby Vietnamese shopkeep (Vietnamese, some Mandarin) to communicate to someone who only spoke Mandarin, and effectively nearly no English.

We did this comical routine of my friend typing Cantonese into my phone, translating it to Vietnamese, then to Mandarin via the shopkeep, then to the Mandarin speaking woman, then all the way back the other way, for about 20 minutes, to have a conversation that probably could otherwise have been had in 3 minutes.

There are in fact many regional /dialects/ of Chinese (beyond just Cantonese) that are actually so different that it is very common that one who can only speak one /dialect/ cannot actually communicate nearly at all with someone who knows only a different /dialect/.

I am putting /'s around dialect because actually a growing number of translators who know one or many of these /dialects/, as well as English, think it is more accurate to describe them as being different languages to those who speak English.

Anyway, yeah, had a tankie chew me out for pointing this out and call me a ‘gusano’, which is incredible because this is an insult popularized by Castro against counter revolutionaries.

I am an anarchist, and gusano is Spanish for maggot or worm.

It was truly a ludicrous exchange.

And at this point I am sure that when you say that you mean the status quo of Taiwan has always been a part of China.

You are wrong, but keep pushing that narrative!

You’re right, its a plurality. I misspoke.

Still doesn’t change any of the rest of what I said.

Hey at least I can admit and own up to a mistake!

Also worth noting, the TPP candidate, incumbent and now former President Ken Wen-je, is in favor of the status quo with China, in terms of their governmental influence/dominion, meaning continued independent governance when it comes to sovereignty, though this does mean significant economic partnership, in uh, economic terms.

So that’s actually roughly 65% of Taiwanese voting for a President that seem to not want Taiwan to become a part of China.

Which would be… a majority.

Damn near a super majority, as us filthy consumeristic and vapid Americans might say.

To actually attempt to venture into the Narrative Construction Zone, one might say that despite one major party in Taiwan with close positions and ties to the Chines Government itself, the momentum seems to be in favor of moving toward /less/ interference from/subservience to/ integration with China, especially where matters of sovereignty are concerned.

Cool, uh, anyway, in Taiwan the President is directly elected by popular vote.

So the majority of Taiwanese voted for a President who opposes greater integration/interference/subservience to, whatever you wanna say, with or to China.

In fact this would seemingly necessarily mean that the only way this could happen along with the DPP not also winning a majority in Parliament is that a good chunk of Taiwanese support the KMT and TPP for domestic affairs, but prefer a president, who has more power and relevance specifically to foreign affairs, that opposes integration/interference/subservience with/from/to China.

But please do go on about my narrative while you are either knowingly or unknowingly misrepresenting the most fundamental basics of the situation.

Funny, I just had a whole bunch of hexbear and ml lemmy tankies dogpile on me for, not even suggesting necessarily that Taiwan seems to desire that it be independent from China, but that if they did voice that opinion democratically, that such a thing should be respected, even if they are a flawed and imperfect capitalist society.

They all seemed to be very certain the Taiwanese people desire a kind of integration into China that would essentially make them either a puppet state or perhaps nominally democratic province.

What happens is in nearly all actually existing markets with a very established and static general business model, eventually competitors fail or are bought out and competition dynamics give way to oligopolistic or monopolist markets absent government intervention.

This is like a year 2, conclusion you learn studying for a Bachelors degree in Econ, yet the vast majority of the public and talking heads who either are or presented as economists do not seem to agree.

No, I am not welcoming an artist apocalypse, that would obviously be bad.

I am noting that I find it amusing to me on a level I already acknowledged was petty and personal that many, many mediocre artists who are absolutely awful to other people socially would have their little cults of fandom dampened by the fact that a machine can more or less to what they do, and their cult leader status is utterly unwarranted.

I do not have a nice and neat solution to the problem you bring up.

I do believe you are being somewhat hyperbolic, but, so was I.

Yep, being an artist in a capitalist hellscape world with modern AI algorithms is not a very reliable way to earn a good living and you are not likely to be have such a society produce many artists who do not have either a lot of free time or money, or you get really lucky.

At this point we are talking about completely reorganizing society in fairly large and comprehensive ways to achieve significant change on this front.

Also this problem applies to far, far more people than just artists. One friend of mine wanted her dream job as running a little bakery! Had to set her prices too high, couldn’t afford a good location, supply chain problems, taxes, didn’t work out.

Maybe someone’s passion is teaching! Welp, that situation is all fucked too.

My point here is: Ok, does anyone have an actual plan that can actually transform the world into somewhere that allow the average person to be far more likely to be able to live the life they want?

Would that plan have more to do with the minutiae of regulating a specific kind of ever advancing and ever changing technology in some kind of way that will be irrelevant when the next disruptive tech proliferates in a few years, or maybe more like an actual total overhaul of our entire society from the ground up?

Well, off the top of my head:

Whole Brain Emulation, attempting to model a human brain as physically accurately as possible inside a computer.

Genetic Iteration (not the correct term for it but it escapes me at the moment), where you set up a simulated environment for digital actors, then simulate quasi-neurons, quasi-body parts dictated by quasi-dna, in a way that mimics actual biological natural selection and evolution, and then you run the simulation millions of times until your digital creature develops a stable survival strategy.

Similar approaches to this have been used to do things like teach an AI humanoid how to develop its own winning martial arts style via many many iterations, starting from not even being able to stand up, much less do anything to an opponent.

Both of these approaches obviously have drawbacks and strengths, and could possibly be successful at far more than what they have achieved to date, or maybe not, due to known or existing problems, but neither of them rely on a training set of essentially the entirety of all content on the internet.

It meets almost none of the conceptions of intelligence at all.

It is not capable of abstraction.

It is capable of brute force understanding similarities between various images and text, and then presenting a wide array of text and images containing elements that reasonably well emulate a wide array of descriptors.

This is convincing to many people that it has a large knowledge set.

But that is not abstraction.

It is not capable of logic.

It is only capable of again brute force analyzing an astounding amount of content and then producing essentially the consensus view on answers to common logical problems.

Ask it any complex logical question that has never been answered on the internet before and it will output irrelevant or inaccurate nonsense, likely just finding an answer to a similar but not identical question.

The same goes for reasoning, planning, critical thinking and problem solving.

If you ask it to do any of these things in a highly specific situation even giving it as much information as possible, if your situation is novel or even simply too complex, it will again just spit out a non sense answer that is basically going to be very inadequate and faulty because it will just draw elements together from the closest things it has been trained on, nearly certainly being contradictory or entirely dubious due to being unable to account for a particularly uncommon constraint, or constraints that are very uncommonly faced simultaneously.

It is not creative, in the sense of being able to generate something novel or new.

All it does is plagiarize elements of things that are popular and have many examples of and then attempt mix them together, but it will never generate a new art style or a new genre of music.

It does not even really infer things, is not really capable of inference.

It simply has a massive, astounding data set, and the ability to synthesize elements from this in a convincing way.

In conclusion, you have no idea what you are talking about, and you yourself literally are one of the people who has failed the reverse Turing Test, likely because you are not very well very versed in the technicals of how this stuff actually works, thus proving my point that you simply believe it is AI because of its branding, with no critical thought applied whatsoever.

OpenAi, please generate your own source code but optimized and improved in all possible ways.

not how programming works, but tech illiterate people seem to think so

The flip side of this is that many artists who simply copy very popular art styles are now functionally irrelevant, as it is now just literally proven that this kind of basically plagiarism AI is entirely capable of reproducing established styles to a high degree of basically fidelity.

While many aspects of this whole situation are very bad for very many reasons, I am actually glad that many artists will be pressured to actually be more creative than an algorithm, though I admit this comes from basically a personally petty standpoint of having known many, many, many mediocre artists who themselves and their fans treat like gods because they can emulate some other established style.

Yep, completely agree.

Case in point: Steam has recently clarified their policies of using such Ai generated material that draws on essentially billions of both copyrighted and non copyrighted text and images.

To publish a game on Steam that uses AI gen content, you now have to verify that you as a developer are legally authorized to use all training material for the AI model for commercial purposes.

This also applies to code and code snippets generated by AI tools that function similarly, such as CoPilot.

So yeah, sorry, either gotta use MIT liscensed open source code or write your own, and you gotta do your own art.

I imagine this would also prevent you from using AI generated voice lines where you trained the model on basically anyone who did not explicitly consent to this as well, but voice gen software that doesnt use the ‘train the model on human speakers’ approach would probably be fine assuming you have the relevant legal rights to use such software commercially.

Not 100% sure this is Steam’s policy on voice gen stuff, they focused mainly on art dialogue and code in their latest policy update, but the logic seems to work out to this conclusion.

Here is the bigger picture: The vast majority of tech illiterate people think something is AI because duh its called AI.

Its literally just the power of branding and marketing on the minds of poorly informed humans.

Unfortunately this is essentially a reverse Turing Test.

The vast majority of humans do not know anything about AI, and also a huge majority of them can also barely tell the difference between, currently in some but not all forms, output from what is basically a brute force total internet plagiarism and synthesis software, from many actual human created content in many cases.

To me this basically just means that about 99% of the time, most humans are actually literally NPCs, and they only do actual creative and unpredictable things very very rarely.

And human comedians regularly get called out when they outright steal others material and present it as their own.

The word for this is plagiarism.

And in OpenAIs framework, when used in a relevant commercial context, they are functionally operating and profiting off of the worlds most comprehensive plagiarism software.

Or, or, or, hear me out:

Maybe their particular approach to making an AI is flawed.

Its like people do not know that there are many different kinds of ways that attempt to do AI.

Many of them do not rely on basically a training set that is the cumulative sum of all human generated content of every imaginable kind.

‘When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag a carrying a cross.’

  • Sinclair Lewis

The Republicans functionally made a pact with the devil in the 80s when they leaned heavily into the Evangelicals, betting they would be reliable voters and knowing they are laughably easy to manipulate.

And now this is what we get. Theocratic Fascism.

Even if Dear Leader goes to jail, even if he looses the election and there is not another coup attempt, these maniacal morons are not going away anytime soon.

Detonate is actually more precise, implying an explosion that accelerates at or faster than the speed of sound, often causing a visible blast wave in air that is humid and dense enough as the pressure wave compresses the air and squeezes it into visible semi cloud like formations momentarily.

RUD is a general term that can cover any number of events which cause a craft to generally lose structural integrity in a small amount of time.

For example, a craft could hit max q either at a non optimal angle, or due to structural integrity flaws, more or less violently tear itself apart.

Or, a craft could enter the atmosphere at a non optimal angle, or at too extreme a velocity, and be ripped apart, again, violently and quickly. This is generally referred to as ‘Burning Up’.

Or a craft could have a parachute or landing system related problem and impact the ground at such speeds it disassembles itself. Jokingly referred to as ‘lithobraking’.

Or, a craft could have an accidental triggering of some kind of abort system that results in the craft tearing itself apart.

Or, at any point while airborne, a problem with either the integrity of a fuel tank or the fuel pumps and plumbing could cause a rupture, which could then cause the craft to crumple, deform, and then rip itself apart /without/ the loose fuel igniting, or perhaps /with/ the loose fuel igniting, which may merely conflagrate or detonate depending on other factors.

While many of these more specific chains of events have more specific terms to describe them… they are /all/ Rapid Unplanned Disassemblies.

All that that term means is for some reason your craft went from being more or less one piece to more or less a large number of pieces very quickly.

For example the Challenger disaster was a RUD. But not a detonation. Detonation is more specific and I used the term for a reason.

Well, the booster exploded below the Karman line (EDIT: Yep, 90km max alt. and detonation, Karman line is 100km), and the orbiter blew up or tore itself apart above the Karman line.

And no, the orbiter did not self destruct as part of some kind of intentional action or design by SpaceX.

It was seen on camera disintegrating before SpaceX even realized they had lost contact with it.

They probably did not engage a self destruct system on the orbiter while they were still claiming it was at a nominal trajectory when they hadnt even realized it had already disintegrated, taking multiple minutes to even realize they’d lost contact with it as pieces of it were already burning and tumbling in the upper atmosphere.

My prediction for 3 is that again at least part of the craft will blow up below the Karman line.

The full static test fires they recently did damaged the craft because the test stand wasn’t designed for that the amount of force, nor for the duration they’re currently testing with it, and because for some baffling reason they are not using a flame trench or proper diversion channels.

My guess is that, combined with the defects and flaws seen from the first two launches, these full power static fire tests will have damaged the craft more than they are able to repair properly in time to follow Musk’s recklessly fast launch timetable, and the whole thing will blow up or have significant trajectory problems from multiple non catastrophic engine failures before the hot staging, and/or when the booster tries to do the belly flop maneuver, the fuel tank(s) or lines will rupture as happened last time, and if the abort system engages properly it’ll then basically fall to the ground, or if it doesn’t, it’ll detonate spectacularly in midair again.

Mhm, knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive on Earth.

I guess it’ll be fun/sad to watch StarShip 3 either detonate on the launch pad or before it passes the Karman Line.

You have no choice.

The US political system is utterly rigged in many, many ways to prevent the emergence of a third party.

In order to change this, the American public would have to somehow pressure both parties to agree to pass many laws, at the federal and state and county and city levels to /effectively/ alter the system.

They are of course never going to do this.

The only possible way to throw off this deathgrip is to somehow get an ‘extreme’ member of either party to become that party’s nominee.

This has been attempted twice in my life time:

Ron Paul was ‘the internet candidate’ of many young people who focused on his opposition to the Iraq War, Libertarian Economic and Social policies, either overlooking or being unaware of his ties to the rather unsavory John Birch Society, and the extremely ideologically fervent but ultimately delusional Mises Institute. Started on 4chan, hundreds of young Americans photobombed any random live newscast anywhere they could find with Ron Paul signs, raised millions for Paul’s campaign, functionally acting as his PR department as he barely had one and it was terrible, and they even raised enough money to rent a blimp, plaster it with Ron Paul banners and fly it around the country.

It didn’t work.

Later, Bernie Sanders emerged as a candidate in the Democratic primaries with a chance to shake up the Dem/Rep balance. The Democratic Party basically did everything they possibly could to sideline Bernie, handing the nomination to Hillary Clinton.

She of course lost to Trump.

Anyway, voting for a third party in America will statistically nearly never work on the Federal level. Even most Congresspersons and Senators in the past 20 years that have not been an R or D have been an ‘Independent’, nearly always being somewhere in the middle of R and D. You might have some third party candidate actually win on the State and Local level, but this is very, very rare.

Functionally all the voting for a third party does is remove votes from a more popular candidate with more moderate views.

Anyway, none of this matters: It was about a decade ago when a study revealed that Congress people of all kinds nearly never advance legislation that is highly popular among their constituents. They nearly always do advance legislation that will materially benefit their donors.

We do not like in a functional democracy or democratic republic.

We live in a functional corporate oligarchy, where hot button cultural issues are used to wedge voters, and massive PR and advertising campaigns are everywhere to convince the public that policies and legislation that helps businesses and hurts voters has a function deathgrip on the mind of the average American.

My honest to god suggestion to you is to either hunker down and form a local group of capable individuals to provide mutual aide to your local community as income disparity continues to rise, more and more become homeless, infrastructure continues to collalse, etc., or to get out of this nuclear armed banana republic with more guns than people, where somewhere between 1/4 to 1/3 of voters are so incredibly delusional and successfully propagandized that they believe a large amount of the Q Anon / MAGA insano-version of real life.

I am not looking for markdown, I like using /words/ encased in /'s for emphasis sometimes.

Matrix algebra isnt /really/ matrix algebra until you get to Vec3