The employment concept document hammering home the threat to Canada from China and Russia comes as the military leadership and its supporters advocate for billions more dollars in defence spending.
But pumping more money into the military comes at a time when the Liberal government is pushing fiscal restraint on federal departments. In addition, the Canadian Forces and National Defence have faced questions about how they manage the money they already receive as well as concerns about equipment projects that have gone tens of billions of dollars over budget without providing additional military capability.
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There’s no money to be made in peace. Well, not as easily, I mean. To make money in peace takes actual talent and ability to create.
Which is what I am afraid of … no one is thinking or considering the future … no cares about resolution, or the long term … all anyone wants to talk about is war … especially if it means funding a war where other nations are dying in … this isn’t about anything except feeding an insatiable war machine
The hobby of the west has for centuries been killing brown folk abroad. Why do we expect different now?