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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


To be honest, this always happens. So what? Most people want their corporate social media. My parents will never stop using Facebook no matter how bad it gets. I think focusing on metrics like what most people are doing is just a race to the bottom. If we keep building what we want to exist in the world and stop focusing on which platform does the best numbers, I think we will find its quality that counts, not quantity.

I love this idea. Will definitely look into installing on my desktop. I’m working on a searxng instance that filters out all the toxic sources that think they own the internet also. Its also very much a work in progress, but yeah, these putzes get too much attention on the internet and anything we can do for our own peace of mind to delete them from pur lives is absolutely worth doing. I put a lot of filters on mastodon to the same end and it has made my social media experience so much more enjoyable.