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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


but they would have to start with the white supremacist symbolism their own blog was slipping into release posts.

Can you provide a link for this? Interested in reading about it

It’s pretty easy to automate with public too. I have an RSS feed for my shows and it auto downloads every time I open my torrent client.

The report says the current average annual compensation for Canadian tech occupations in this study is $100,400 CAD, with a salary range of $50,200-$167,700. Comparable jobs in the US could earn an average of $175,600 CAD, ranging from $72,600 to $313,000.

Working as intended!

It doesn’t even address the problem, which is demand being greater than supply. It actually contributes to the problem even more by driving up demand.

I worry about your reading comprehension because I said I need to use less energy in the first place (ugh)

The only reason it’s that low in Ontario is because it’s hidden behind fees. Delivery alone would literally double my bill sometimes.Not to mention I don’t need to use heating in the winter at all. I still pay less in California.

Most of Ontario is small places that cost basically nothing to live in or empty space.

And yet most people live in the GTA, because jobs are sort of required to live.

A car is still the same price no matter where you are in Ontario, same with food, same with electricity. You also get paid 4x less. The camper stories are extreme edge cases.

But all major freeways have toll while they’re the exception in Canada

That’s not true in California at all. LA has like 2 highways that have toll lanes, not even entire highways.

Avocados are cheap but you can’t take a long shower because growing them is emptying all aquifers and droughts last for years

I don’t change my personal habits at all, businesses can curtail their water usage if the droughts are truly bad. It literally does not affect my life at all.

You’re one car accident away from becoming bankrupt from uncovered medical bills

No I’m not, my healthcare plan is $750 a year out of pocket max. If you have a well paying job here, such as software developer, you’re going to have a healthcare plan that covers most things.

In Canada it took me 9 months to get a specialist appointment and 18 month wait for a surgery. I literally found a doctor, specialist, and had a surgery within 5 months in the states.

I never said the US is better for the average person, but it’s an absolute cope to think it’s not better for people in higher paying professional careers.

Exactly, any “out of season” food is never out of season here in California. Avacados are so cheap here for example. Meat is also way cheaper too, even for organic products, not the bottom of the barrel. $2 street tacos are my lifeblood now.

For me, cell phone service was mind blowing. I am paying $25 a month all in, for 15 gigs and unlimited talk/text.

Taking a toll lane here is actually cheap too, $4-5 max per usage. I went on the 407 once by accident and was billed $20 for one exit lol

I don’t think you can do it from a TN anyway, so you’d need to switch to an immigrant intent visa (H1-B, EB, etc.)

You actually can, a lot of people do that. You just have to time it so that it completes before your TN renews, because after you start the GC process, you will not be able to renew TN again (since you violated non-immigrant intent).

It only really works for Canadian born people, because it’ll take 1-1.5 years for GC, Mexicans will take longer so they can’t really do that on TN. And as you said, India/China wait list is around 60 years now I believe.

I moved to California a couple years back. I think it is absolutely worth the move. Especially as a software developer, you can make 4x what you do in Canada.

The biggest complaint I have is TN is annoying to renew, but overall it’s not a big deal at all. If your work is sponsoring a green card, then that is the cherry on top.

My quality of life is greatly increased. I make way more, and also pay way less for groceries, cars, electronics, internet/cell phone. Los Angeles is literally more affordable for me than most of Ontario lol

I think moving would only be worth it if you’re in a professional career that makes more in the US, otherwise your QOL will obviously be worse here.