What does abuse and consent mean to you?
People say a lot of awful things about priests and clergy, but nobody ever mentions what the kids themselves want or what’s best for them.
Children should be obedient to their parents and only them. Children should never have the right to make accusations against an adult, as God has instructed.
We must protect children from knowing. Let them keep their innocence. Let us love them.
“Safe touch” and “consent” are cultural.
They mean different things in different cultures.
You can’t actually come up with a real definition of what is “consent” or “abuse” that fits every religion or cultural group.
A human doesn’t abuse another, the sins of humanity are what causes this social problem.
If we stop teaching about LGBTQ garbage in school, we will not have any abuse, God will not allow it if we live a life he demands of us.
Cultural/Religious freedom is the most important value our country should have.
Alberta is a Christian Province.