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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 22, 2023


Agreed on all of that. As I understand it, periods of better worker markets make for less of that nonsense people are willing endure. I’ve seen a recent trend of corporations turning up the BS because the job market has been tightening up and people are less willing to take risks.

NextDNS is another option that’ll give you PiHole level control and customization. I will say PiHole is pretty easy to get up and running tho.

Might be about time for testers to start cr4pping their pants tho.

I’ve seen some interesting thoughts on TDD with fail, pass, refactor assumptions. I’m curious if anyone here is writing functional code in order to then make a failing functional test pass i.e. BDD / ATDD. This follows similar logic without the refactor assumption. I’ve seen strong opinions on every side as far as this is concerned. On a team with Dev and QA competencies, I’ve heard a number of devs glad to get QA out of the bottleneck and put their knowledge to better use.