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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


“Every year, there are fewer letters to deliver to more addresses, adding significant cost pressures to the Corporation on top of continued inflationary pressures,” stated Canada Post.

I wonder how long before it becomes a parcel only service.

The ONLY place I have used cash in the last year at least has been having a coin for my shopping cart and the local dump only takes cash.

I get 2-3% back on every transaction my credit card and pay it off every month for zero fees.

What not including the 3rd major player Jim Pattison Group (Overwaitea/SaveOnFoods)? I can’t imagine they are not also involved… We only have 3 major players like we have 3 major telecoms in Canada.

That looks like a cell tower list not a list of alternatives.

Mobile network operators (MNOs)

Nearly everything is owned by Bell, Telus, Rogers and if you travel roam they end up being your national roaming option with most of the other options.

Interesting how MS is the reasonable one here where all their copilot stuff clearly separates paying business from free consumer stuff for training / not training.

However slack has gone and said they will train on everything, and ONLY the paying companies can request to opt out.

Too bad so sad for all those small dev teams that have been using the “free” version of slack… No option to opt out.

I don’t “LIKE” Loblaws but the majority of items I purchase are notably cheaper there than Sobeys stores or Jim Pattison Group owned stores IE the majority of the alternatives.

I use Costco a lot and more and Walmart more and more for groceries these days…

Remember when everyone used to shout buy Canadian?

Locally they arn’t even as expensive as Safeway (Sobleys) or Save-On-Foods (Jim Pattison Group) stores. Hell Last time I tried to shop at a safeway as I was staying somewhere else it was 20% more expensive than Superstore (Loblaws)

Safeway Canada is owned by Sobeys along with many other brands like Freshco.

Really almost all Canadian groceries stores are owned by Loblaws, Jim Pattinson group or Sobeys. Again not sure why they get off the hook.

3 way monopoly is the Canadian way.

Where do you shop if not at Loblaws? Anything not a subsidiary of the above three?

I don’t get why loblaws is the only one named all the time. Hell Safeway and Saveon have similar or higher prices. Why do they get a free pass?

Odd, tried to go look at an EV9 and was told there was over a year wait and no model to look at. That is even before getting into it being far more than I want to spend.

Or worse they purchase them for protection and train them to be aggressive then neglect them.

Training a large dog to be obedient and highly controlled in a good way is A LOT of work and expensive if you go through classes to do it. However you normally end up with a highly reliable and predictable dog.

I reported at least 3 of those fake CTV news ads on Facebook each time the reviewer stated it broke no guidelines and it would not be removed.

These existed shortly after the iPhone came out under the presumption people would miss the physical keys from blackberries. They didn’t sell well back then I don’t think they will now.

Save you a click, the company they purchased them from went bankrupt.

Proterra, the American company the city purchased the electric buses from between 2019-2022, is in Chapter 11 filing for bankruptcy protection. Edmonton’s on a list of creditors, seeking $1.3 million and fulfillment of service and warrantie

X claimed Media Matters “manipulated” the social media platform by using accounts that exclusively followed accounts for major brands or users known to produce fringe content and “resorted to endlessly scrolling and refreshing” the feed until it found ads next to extremist posts.

Media Matters’ report misrepresented the typical experience on X “with the intention of harming X and its business”, the company said in the lawsuit.

That policy would impact lawyers, doctors and movie/music stars mostly… Musk, Bezos don’t get paid that much, they get paid in stock. When they borrow billions against that stock it counts as debt and don’t get taxed.

If I hand someone a set of bullet notes and ask them to send out a notice in writing to the company. They are going to convert those notes into paragraphs and sentences… Not just send out the notes.

Also MS already has a module for teams that will take the conversation transcript, and output action items based on the conversation… It is like having a note taker during the meeting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1gpkk-MwpY

Just like the executives assist that was tasked with scanning documents. And LLM can likely safely and quickly do many people tasks:

  • summarize meeting transcripts
  • highlight nest steps
  • take an auto line and some data and turn it into words

There are a lot of human language job tasks that have zero imagination required just the ability to read summarize and write some proper English.

Robots / automation have replaced so many human physical labor jobs, even large dumb heavy machinery.

Language models replacing mundane human language tasks is hardly surprising.

I have replaced entire employee jobs with scrips / code, there are a lot of very basic jobs out there.

  • Housing affordability is BAD, but if you avoid the major cities (Vancouver/Montreal/Toronto) it is not as bad
  • Many will point out our health care systems is all backed up especially after covid, but if you need urgent care it is there and will not bankrupt you like in the US.
  • Most of Canada is COLD in the winter, doing some googling the ONLY place in Canada as MILD as your weather is the west coast near Vancouver (expensive cost of living).
  • Canada is MASSIVE https://www.thetruesize.com/ All of Ukraine is about the size of one of our Provinces.
  • Canada has a lot of diversity, each Province has a bit of a different personality and mix of cultures.
  • Lots of open beautiful places to explore if you venture out.
  • Flying domestically across canada is quite expensive, again it is huge.
  • Population density is actually quite low over all, we have lots of open space.

Did a complete furnace and ac install about 2 years ago. Couldn’t find anyone who would sell me a heat pump, constantly given the high cost emergency heat speech even with that place being in the very moderate GVA

Makes sense Splunk was already one of the most expensive products in this space.

Wonder how long it will take for them to rune it.

Create a law that singles out specific players in a monopoly to pay other players in a falling monopoly (look who owns nearly all news media in Canada).

Make the law NOT about summarizing and ad funding but about linking which is fundamental to how the internet works and how all sites get found.

Facebook / Google links to Canadian news isn’t valuable enough to them for the hassle so they turn them off, it really was the expected outcome.

With the push to SaaS for so many enterprise apps you have a lot less lock in for windows as an OS.

Having it do a search then summarize the content from the search in one step is really handy. Basically skips the step of regular search oping a bunch of the links looking for relevant info.

AND it provides the source / references so you can easily click and read the actual page the info came from.

Similarly those that work in mining are at risk of similar respiratory issues etc. However not all of it can be mitigated or protected against practically.

While both parties are somewhat idiots for not formalizing and following up in writing (particularly given the $ and months between the text and actions), if someone sends me something and I reply by just a thumbs up I DO expect that to convey the same thing as “yes, yep, sure thing, I agree” I would not use it as a read receipt on a question.

If you are single this sounds like it might be an interesting opportunity as long as you find a GOOD place to settle in the US. Much like every province is very different in Canada so are the states.

However keep a few things in mind:

  • you will be a foreigner ( make sure you know your rights / or lack there of)
  • your employment terms may change immediately from being fairly safe and having severance in Canada in law to changing to at will termination in the US depending on the state and situation.
  • find out ALL the details of your company medical coverage and its cost before going, everything will cost you money medically in the US but you might get faster service
  • If you are thinking about buying a home find out what the laws are for foreigners on a TN visa… Also find out what the property taxes are as in some states they are VERY high, while the price of the home is attractive.

Alternatively look into low cost of living places in Canada and consider moving within Canada. You may find that there is a lot of difference in the provinces and major cities.

If your stuff just working is more important than customization and you take care of your devices you will probably be very happy. The platforms do have some significant differences in how notifications and the UI work vs Android so not everyone is a fan.

For me the typical 4 plus years of full OS updates and support is great. Never have to worry if my “insert android vendor / carrier” is supporting the next OS release.

Have had the iPhone 3, 3GS, 4s, 5c, 7, and am now on a 14. My 7 I used into the ground, did one official battery replacement on it (gets kinda short on battery life at year 2-3, but never had any issue with any App Store app. Of note my upgrade gap got a lot longer with the 5c as since about that generation they have become so reliable and powerful that it takes a lot for them to be obsolete.

How many people are going to still post death threats, character assassinations, or make racist or sexist comments.

Have you seen twitter and what named public figures say all the time and the comments from verified named accounts below?

I don’t believe we should have to link our personal info, but I do think we should have somewhat consistent ID that are confirmed linked to a person in order to gain some form of trust.

When you can just spin up random throwaways you can say whatever you want at no cost of time or money to you.

The evidence indicated the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) hadn’t checked on the 11-year-old boy and his eight-year-old sister for seven months.

That is a long gap vs their standards

Under MCFD standards and practice, social workers are required to visit foster homes and children in care at least every 90 days.

Also why where they with her at all?

The foster mother, according to the evidence, had initially agreed to care for the children for a short period of time.

She describes having the children in her home as stressful and overwhelming, while a pre-sentence report notes she asked the MCFD for assistance as she could not care for the children – but her request was not met.

After reading the article I am not even sure why it was mentioned at all to be honest as it doesn’t seem relevant.

Might have to check that out.

Keep in mind my main opinion is that the LAW is written so broad and bad that it would essentially penalize any competitor to google or Facebook as a linking source.

The internet is literally based on linking, way back Netscape Navigator was THE BROWSER, and included a homepage with links to news and sites, then there was Yahoo, another mostly LIST based site.

Facebook doesn’t really go out and link news, users share news they discover with others, IE word of mouth.

Any manipulation of rank I see as a separate issue, however this bill seems to convolute the two of them. Might be better as a separate bill about search bias, one about content summarization and lets drop the whole pay per link thing.

Like many bills that have GOOD parts we have to look at the whole and many bills and laws are just turd sandwiches…

Do you think news just didn’t exist before Google/Meta?

We used to pay for news papers to get the news, or listen to TV and the Radio with Ads and the CBC was well funded and respected.

I don’t like the change, but it’ll probably help maintain journalism quality

I am not sure pumping more money in will help with that. I think some form of accountability for the style (Neutral and balanced) / facts / quality of corrections needs to be tied to money.