#nobots #NoIndex #NoSearch #NoArchive #NoScrape #NoAI #NoBridge

Mostly harmless.

Current avatar: a film x-ray of a nautilus shell, an example of a the Golden Ratio in nature.

Current header image: None uploaded.

Je vais aller me coucher moins stupide ce soir.

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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Aug 26, 2019



This should *absolutely* be part of a multi-pronged response.


  1. products tarriffed by #USA should immediately lose export permits to the USA. E.g. if softwood lumber is tarriffed, none can be exported to the USA for a time, and then it needs to be reviewed.

  2. dollar-for-dollar forced sale of Canadian corporations owned by US entities.

  3. Nationalize resources. The provinces have failed to guard them, monitor their exploitation, or enforce rehabilitation.
