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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 18, 2023


It would be a crying shame if someone were to figure out a way to force those e ink displays to refresh fast enough that it kills the batteries on those things…

Nate Silver is a prime example of this thing that happens a lot with technical people. They get good at describing what is and then they start to think they understand “why”. Sometimes a good understanding can lead you to the why of a situation, but often you need actual experts to analyze the data you’ve collected.

The whole thing about the way his methods work is based on not actually understanding the interactions of the inputs he’s selected.

His book was interesting, but I wouldn’t trust his analysis too much.

We no longer have humor, it’s been beaten out of us by code reviews and merge conflicts.

I caught a junior trying to reimplement an existing feature, poorly, in a way that would have affected every other consumer of the software I’m a code owner on a week or two ago. There’s good reason to keep them around.

PRs suck to do, but having a rotating team of owners helps, and linting + auto formatting helps with a lot of the ticky tacky stuff.

Honestly, the worst part is “newGuy has requested your review on a PR you requested changes on but he hasn’t addressed” that’ll get you in the ignored pile real quick.

I’m working on moving to local control as much as possible for my smart home stuff. Switched to zwave for my thermostat from nest, excellent move, I don’t lose connection (and automations) randomly anymore.

Also ripping all my optical media for jellyfin to avoid relying on these assholes deleting stuff from their streaming catalogs for tax breaks.

It’s not just google, it’s all of these companies.

Google is not an endpoint if you wanna be a money-laden tech bro. To get real cash you gotta create a startup and grift some money out of VCs. To do that, it helps if you “innovated something totally new” at someplace with name recognition like Google.

Everything except search and ads are simply practice grifts before the real grift. You cannot rely on any Google product to last for any length of time, even properties Google purchases will lose reliability as they fall into disrepair and neglect, see Nest.

I used to love Google everything, I was on the wave beta. I was one of the first with a cr-48. It is sad for those of us that want to contribute to something big, cool, and impactful, watch for fuschia to implode next, I think it already started when they “had” to layoff “over hires.”

One or two person teams don’t put a man on the moon. It takes a lot of really smart people working on very small specific things together to make world changing stuff happen, the culture of Big Tech is not conducive to “real” work anymore. It’s big grifts run by little grifters.

With enough grit and time, yes :D

Edit: ok not mainline, but Linux in some form or another anyway.

You can run a “soft” (semi-hard?) Processor on a Spartan, you could run Linux on that at least.

By non-believers I mean people who don’t actually drink the Kool aid they’re serving.

Fascism is a tool of the power hungry and vain that makes the unremarkable and mediocre feel special enough to hate their slightly different neighbors and embolden the worst aspects of humanity.

It’s wielded by non-believers cynically who either foolishly believe they can avoid the inevitable blood soaked ending or they don’t care. Either way, it doesn’t end well for anyone involved.

I’m moving to a few acres this weekend, assuming everything goes well. We got plans for a giant garden, a duck run, and fruit trees. This meme is all truth.

Being fully remote is a great gig if you can swing it.

The only caution I’d add about doing it as a hobby too is that it’s super easy to burn yourself out. I think that’s why so many of us get into woodworking and gardening lol

“if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”

The short answer is “practice”

The longer answer is, do it a lot. Listen in code reviews. When you investigate bugs, do actual root cause analysis, understand the problem, and understand how it got missed. Don’t stop learning, study your languages, study design patterns, be intentional in what you learn.

I had good mentors that were hard on me in reviews. Developing a thick skin and separating criticism of you from criticism of your code will help a lot in terms of learning in reviews.

Source: 10 years in the field. (Senior SW Eng. Focused on embedded systems and VnV)