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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Nov 15, 2023


Thanks, I appreciate the sympathy. And as a result ALL Great Pyrenese are wonderful beasts in my estimation. It’s funny how a breed can become so lovable once I’ve developed a relationship with member of that breed.

Nah, I’ve had doggy friends in various breeds and mutts over the years. I had a Great Pyrenees named Thistle, super friendly, and enthusiastic. Worked as a livestock protector, brave and faithful. But couldn’t understand the danger posed by the road in front of his farm, and thus was his lift ended, all too soon.

Did you see that alien post, they beamed up a cow, because a human called them ‘grass puppers’. So hilarious. Do you have a favorite breed? I love them all.

I do seem to remember the effect from before 2001. But why was it invented? I mean sometimes it’s kinda cool, but others it can be downright deadly. ;-)

Early in the pandemic there was a driver who launched their vehicle into a restaurant. And when I say launch, I mean up over an approximately 2 1/2 foot high curb. All the way into the restaurant, the driver was about to put 'er in reverse and back right out again. A quick thinking patron reached into the car, turned the car off, and pulled the keys. Someone described the driver as ‘unusually calm’. So yeah, striking without warning from the shadows seems fair.