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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Meanwhile, 162 days and counting for dead space.

Doesn’t make me want to buy it, without trying it out first, but saying hours to days for denuvo is…a joke really. Sure there were a couple of games that were cracked in a couple of days, but that’s a handful of them in the last 6 years or so. Most take a long, long time.

It’s not. Most of the time it’s fine, but there have been cases in the past that they added their own DRM in the games.

Do you happen to have a good guide I could follow? I really like the idea behind playnite and how good/useable it can look, but I get lost every time.

If not for the rest, at least for emulators/retro gaming.

I really, really want to use it instead of having a bunch of launchers for pc and emulation but it’s too damn fiddly. Cant get retroachievements to work, normal achievements tab is forever empty, no way I found to have a unified control scheme, most of the plugins I tried do absolutely nothing, like the deal finding one, I could go on.

Not saying it doesn’t work, obviously it does. But it doesn’t for me sadly. And I can’t spend a week on trying to get it to work. Two days of following guides online, did nothing for me, so I just gave up.

After my last visit on r/piracy, I’m of the mind to close it down for good and if reddit wants it back they can do so themselves.

Sure, there’s a few people there that honestly ask question about the community since they weren’t checking reddit at the time, but any attempt to explain has people insulting me. They want to stay there? Fine, cut ties and let them moderate it. That means they inherit a community someone else worked hard to build but whatever. With the attitudes I notice, they are not going to manage to keep it running for more than a few months anyways.

Best I’ve seen so far is 16TB for 30 bucks on Mega. Don’t know how okay they are with piracy however, I’ve seen a few DMCA’d links from it in the past.

Sonarr and radarr can use torrents just as much as they can use usenet. I used them for both, now I dropped usenet altogether.

I find it easier to either DDL or torrent, plus a lot of the stuff I’m after recently proved hard tto find on usenet for whatever reason.

It’s more hassle to search usenet for my usecase and while it’s true that maxing out download speeds is awesome, I’m not in a hurry. I let the .arr apps do the work while I’m busy with life and when I get back home I have it all ready anyways.

No it’s not. You can find literally everything on torrents. Even with Kodi/Stremio, I could always find what I wanted to stream when my debris ran out.

There’s only one case that I can’t think of a way without premium link generators and without waiting for months on end, and that’s switch emulation, and that only if you want the latest updates/dlc.

But honestly, if I found someone reputable selling modded consoles, rather than picking someone random at etsy, I’d be their income for a year or so. After finishing my Roms and redumps collections, getting modded and working (to refurbished standards) hardware would be the next step. I love emulation but I much prefer original hardware if given the option.

But I suck at soldering and hardware modding/fixing in general. I don’t even care if games are included, just give me the option to pop an HDD in on some quality modded console and I’ll be happy.

Not a server solution but it’s not a desktop app. On androids there’s Seeker that does an excellent job of connecting to the network and downloading what you want.

You will not get banned for not sharing. What actually happens is that some people have scripts to see if you’re sharing, if not they refuse you access to their files until you start sharing. That has to do with each individual and nothing to do with the network itself, other than the fact that it gives you the option to deny access.

Nobody stops you from uploading stuff and sharing it. But certain communities like for example private trackers have a process to allow you to become an uploader.

As for money, ask yourself, it’s piracy, which by definition means that you want to download stuff without paying for them. Why would they pay you instead?

There’s a few cases that it worked before but is generally frowned upon, as if holding the files hostage. Now if it’s a service that nobody else can do, or files that nobody else has laying around or easy access to buy and share for free, you could try that. Again, nobody stops you, but most people wouldn’t see kindly to that. From leechers to other uploaders.

It’s definitely worth it. I had it for years and it worthed it just to stream stuff, but the functionality that let’s me bypass limits of hosting sites is just a bonus. Now I don’t have to sub for every damn file sharing site under the moon.