• 3 Posts
  • 1 Comment
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Thanks everyone. I still haven’t decided, but at least I know a little better how various designs work and possibly how to get a good one on the cheap. How it helps other people too.

Hardware suggestions
How do any of you read your comics? I'm looking for something like a tablet/e-reader that would support either web browsing or adding files without using a proprietary store and color screen. Bonus points if the screen is huge and I can compromise having one that is old, a little slow/low refresh rate and low res. Currently using a MS Surface which is great but really heavy and slightly clunky. It's also shared so I have to give it back occasionally. First time poster, happy to see so many people on Lemmy.

Hardware for reading comics
How do any of you read your comics? I'm looking for something like a tablet/e-reader that would support either web browsing or adding files without using a proprietary store and color screen. Bonus points if the screen is huge and I can compromise having one that is old, a little slow/low refresh rate and low res. Currently using a MS Surface which is great but really heavy and slightly clunky. It's also shared so I have to give it back occasionally. First time poster, happy to see so many people on Lemmy.

Hardware for reading comics
How do any of you read your comics? I'm looking for something like a tablet/e-reader that would support either web browsing or adding files without using a proprietary store and color screen. Bonus points if the screen is huge and I can compromise having one that is old, a little slow/low refresh rate and low res. Currently using a MS Surface which is great but really heavy and slightly clunky. It's also shared so I have to give it back occasionally. First time poster, happy to see so many people on Lemmy. Edit: Sorry, removed duplicate posts