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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


Is it possible to make intelliJ do this?

Just last week I decided to try a different tech than I’m used to to run up a site. I did a little research then searched GitHub and found Hugo. I read the Hugo docs, followed their beginners guide and… Didn’t get fucking anywhere. Their docs are out of date, the examples are out of date. It looked so promising but my brain works best when referencing examples and when I couldn’t even get those to work, well, I don’t have time for that these days.

If anyone knows another static site generator with up to date documentation and an easy to run up example please let me know.

When you build that font you can specify how condensed it is. Check out the open issues, someone mentioned how to do it.

Oh that’s pretty rad. I can imagine it being used in a movie as a face for some AI that’s dying or suffering