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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


I just figured if you’re trying to avoid google then using their own browser might have some risk too. But I don’t know for sure if they still able to track anything you do on an alternative search website.

Yup, honestly haven’t seen much difference at all when I switched a few years ago. But thanks to this post I learned about SearX. Gonna give that try now. Curious though if using a browser like Chrome for example, would make it a pointless? That’s what drew me to duck since they have their own app.

True, though between my wife and I, we do to much of our shopping on there. Which I know is WORSE. Love to ditch that too but that is gonna be a slower progress to ditching then Netflix. Their history of cancelling shows and prices hikes makes it easier.

Wouldn’t the apps you use track anyway? For example would it be pointless to use searX on an app like chrome, firefox or duck?

Hulu, Peacock both had blackfriday deals. Amazon Prime of course…but for some reason I still have Netflix, gotta ditch that shit.