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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2024

  1. My argument is you can’t tell the demographic identity of ANY person who posts on lemmy. Even when they supposedly self-identify.

  2. Again, what you’re saying here is radically different than what OP is saying in the 4 points they posted. There was nothing limiting it to “on discussions about being black”.

Again, total nonsense. I’ll repeat exactly what i said in one of the comments you deleted, and YOU can tell me why it’s wrong. On lemmy there’s no way to know what race/gender/sexuality a person is. So, you tell me, how is any of this stuff applicable here? If OP was just talking about mastodon, then their title is completely wrong, because their title is specifically saying how to change the fediverse, not how to change mastodon.

Absolute nonsense. Many of the comments you removed weren’t saying anything wrong. They were discussing why the OPs draft is unworkable and would have the opposite of the effect they intend.