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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I’ve heard of most of these aside from #1. Who the hell is Broken Social Scene and when exactly was it supposed to define my tastes?

Belleville has always been the anus of Ontario. I had the displeasure of living there during my teenage years. The population is an ungodly a mix of ass-backwards hicks and pearl clutching boomers with entitlement complexes.

Why is a 1 year old post showing up in my hot feed

Oh nice! I wish RiF was in there but at least this gets BaconReader working again for now.

I had a dream once that I could download a sandwich. I kept downloading different delicious sandwiches on Limewire until one of them gave me a virus.

That being said I would still definitely download a sandwich.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.