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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


I use(d) it to follow 1 guy for updates about my favorite sports team and transfers etc.

But he introduced a new site (today) and is actually gonna quit the platform to go to twitch or somewhere else, so i’ll say goodbye to another social media account after today.

Reaffirming of what?

That twitter is a walking corpse?

My timeline is full of bots, spam and trolls and it looks like it gets worse with the day.

If Spez likes that future for Reddit then sure.

“Meta and met with them after signing an NDA”

This should tell quite enough.

I registered and got through yes.

I registered just before the influx of users from reddit I assume and I am gonna be honest I didn’t put in a full essae.

I think Beehaw is a great instance who shows what the Fediverse can be and is about.

I love that they actually shout out 1 of the instances instead of Lemmy or Kbin as a whole.

“I regularly get called a power-hungry mod by the crybabies who get angry when they aren’t allowed to break the very clearly stated rules, and repeat their offenses after getting first, sometimes second warnings. They run to other places and go try to stir up other crybabies to come and cause the same kind of trouble.”

Isn’t there something about this in the rules/code of conduct or something?

I’ve seen the vitrol that mods get called on the daily.

Why isn’t Reddit taking concrete action against this?

I see it as Reddits obligation to educate the community about moderators and what they do on the daily.

It is in their best interest to of course not do the above because otherwise moderators may actually feel like an important part of the eco system.

And Reddit would not like that.

I do not understand these posts at all.

It sounds like that you are just not interested in building a new community and rather go back to the ivory tower that is reddit.

If that is so just say it.

What are you gonna do when Reddit is gonna implement the next thing that would be unbeneficial to the community?

If you know that the possible new mods are asses, why not call reddits bluff?

Let them see what good moderation is about and what happens when you don’t care about the good moderators for years.

You are probably afraid that a new mod team would do just a good a job as you and you will be forgotten after a day. Then of course what would be all this for if change wouldn’t happen? Other questions you are asking yourself can entice; Is my moderation position really that hard to take over? Are the changes really affecting me?

You are probably afraid losing something that you put your own time and effort in and the idea that someone would ruin it or just take your place is a situation you are not ready for. I would understand all that but then why black out at all? Rigorous changes after 48 hours only happen in Disney movies, you should know that.

Sorry to say but most of the community does not give a damn about moderators and you know it. They care about the content that is provided to them that is what they are hooked on.

This only shows that Reddit has full control over you and your actions and they can do whatever they want to whomever they want because you will bulge the first second they threaten to take your moderations position away.

For the life of me I cannot understand why people would gladly be providing money in Reddits pockets, while the community and moderators don’t see a penny, don’t see any user improvements, get constantly lied to, while getting bend over on every turn.

I am gonna say this again; I thought moderators actually got paid by reddit. I was baffled when I heard a few days ago they weren’t. I thought and still think it would be absolutely ridiculous to invest your time and efforts for a profit making company for absolutely nothing in return.

In the meantime Steve huffman is spitting in your and the communities face every step of the way, not caring about you or the community at all.

I have a whole lot of respect to the people who gave up their mod positions just to make a stand for themselves.

I really don’t mind if subs stay open, if you like to moderate be my guest. If you don’t agree with the blackout, sure.

But the posturing about the greater good for the community, just don’t.

"Long story short, my takeaway from Twitter and Elon at Twitter is reaffirming that we can build a really good business in this space at our scale,”

For the people in the back who think the situation is salvable and are caring about the “communities”.

It is gonna be wild the coming months.