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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


She joined the military in 1986, three years before Canada allowed women in combat roles.

Training as a combat engineer – a role in which soldiers clear bombs and erect and destroy battlefield structures – she rose quickly through the ranks, shattering preconceptions about women warriors.

She went on to become the first woman to lead a Canadian combat unit, deploying to Afghanistan where she narrowly avoided a suicide bomber as well as an improvised explosive device that mangled a vehicle in her convoy.

Carignan has also served in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Syria, led NATO’s training mission in Iraq from 2019 to 2020, and commanded the 2nd Canadian Division – the military’s largest regiment with more than 10,000 troops.

About 4 or 5 strong titles in there but let’s use “First woman” instead.

I don’t no anything about him but fuck him in the eyes until he’s blind. I’m tired of racist pos getting to open their mouths and not have any consequences.

Think long and hard about this. Democratic governor that won reelection but a veto overturning Senate majority. What does that spell? Gerrymandering! NC is fucked.

You didn’t hear? AI can read your mind and create the stuff you desire from all the data they collected on you. Yeah, it might be racist but it’s 100% shit.

Advice for someone going into tech.
I recently decided to go back to school and get a job in the tech industry. I'm looking at cyber security but I'm not looked into that decision. 1. What degree would you recommend someone to pursue? 2. What field would you recommend after graduating? 3. What would you tell someone to avoid at all cost?