• 4 Posts
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 23, 2023


I mean, it’s not the first time something like this has happened. And Github is from Microsoft, so… for this type of content is not a good alternative

Sky Italia Targets Pirate Streaming App VancedFlix Through GitHub
GitHub has removed the popular pirate streaming app VancedFlix from its servers in response to a takedown notice sent by Sky Italia. The request targets a similarly named repository on the developer platform, as well as the app's APK file that's linked under the download button on the official site VancedFlix.

ACE Shuts Down Huge Football Piracy Ring, Total Destruction TBC
Right now, dozens of domains linked to live football piracy sites are redirecting to the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment. Domains began displaying the ACE seizure banner on Saturday and the list has been growing ever since.

Warner Bros. Wants Tumblr to Identify Beetlejuice 2 ‘Leaker’
The image, which has since been removed, doesn’t give away too much. However. Warner Bros. is clearly alarmed by the leak. The movie studio has a history of cracking down on the unauthorized distribution of leaked material and this is no exception.

Well, to be fair, some countries do something equally bad with a so-called democracy and have never had any problems

Russia Piracy Takedowns Up By 100%, “Western Rightsholders to Blame”
“If Western brands do not want to fight piracy in a particular country, it means that they are actually legalizing piracy of their content”