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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Dec 05, 2024


There is no USA much left anymore and they are actively dissassembling it by every move they make.

Kind of sucks because every one of those “opponents” can have equally seen Trump admit that Musk cracked the election counter and that he actually didn’t win the election. That he is completely fraudulent and all the “Citizens” don’t oppose him cutting that status off their existence and removing their constitutional rights number by number by race and gender into slavery and other “normal” exploitation and constraints. Surrender, surrender, so he can eat your kids for dinner. You think I’m exaggerating.

It’s not just absurd. It’s like any pointing republican. He’s responsible.

Trump didn’t win because he literally bought Musk to crack the election computer systems. He even blatantly admitted to exactly that at his victory rally right before his inauguration. Then he was inaugurated. So he really is a CIA asset because there’s absolutely no difference between this crock of lies and every other CIA mission at every other targeted nation around the world.

They don’t care about anything other than watching you. They don’t care how old you are. That’s just an excuse.

They did give a shit. The majority did. Elon cracked the election. He was in every flip state right before the count showed up. Every flip state that was hit with a gorram bomb threat right before he showed up to crack the system.

This is literally nothing less than U.S. Military vs the Not-Elected-Via-Musk-Cracker-Trump

Stop this jackass or else. U.S. Anything service.

Die by the hands of the other %99.99 population for their attempt to tyrannize.

Edit: I mean, if this were actually done.