I wasn’t really talking about affordability over all, which won’t get better while governments allow corporations and “mom and pop” to buy and hold hostage the housing supply. But if reality were to actually affect the market, condos would crash hard, which maybe would help a bit with affordability?
But yeah, I wouldn’t live in Toronto either if my industry didn’t pay so well (film and TV production). It’s wack.
I have been saying this for at least 15 years: the condo market and the home market shouldn’t be the same market.
I live in Toronto, but this applies to every large already developed city:
There will never be more single family homes in Toronto than there are today AND There will never be fewer condos in Toronto than there are today
So how are those two asset types tied so closely?
I thought it was gonna happen 5-10 years ago, where condos would crash down to 20-40% of the value of a comparable home (which I know is hard as condos are so friggin small) but so far… Nothing? The only reason some condos are cheaper is because you can’t buy a studio house with no backyard or parking…
Fellow below got down votes for saying it, but it’s because they called themselves that.
Just like how Trump currently accuses mainstream media of lying non-stop. Like he accused the Democrats of trying to steal the election. Both things that he does/did, and that the people who he accused of doing it did not do. See how easy it is to muddy the water?
It’s the same reason every draconian handmaid’s tale esque bill is called “the helping mothers” bill or every anti-workers bill “the great perfect bill to help workers” bill. (Right to work!)
It’s a load of crap. Listen to what people tell you. Then compare it to what they actually do. Or if you are too lazy even to do that, just ignore what anyone says and only look at what they do. That’s who they are.
Watch what Pollieve does. Look at what he has already done. That’s it. That’s who he is. It’s a little cheat code you can use.
What percentage of Canadians have to walk to a box down the street right now?
I’m curious, because during these discussions there is all this talk about how having to do that will bring down the whole system, will unfairly affect the elderly or disabled. Yet as someone who grew up in a semi-rural setting, 80% of the people I went to school with had to walk (or stop on the drive home) at a green box for their mail. It’s a very city centric idea that mail has to come right to your door. And in cities, your communal boxes could be fairly close to your house anyways…
I am not and don’t usually propose cutting services.
I am not suggesting this as a good option now.
But it confuses the hell out of me that people think this would be the end of civilized society.
And I would like to fantasize on a future where Canada Post took over all Amazon deliveries. Forcing Amazon (and the consumer) to pay fair wages to unionized post officers and not abuse temporary “independent contractors”. Huge increase in unionized secure jobs…
I like that.
So Pierre wants the government to name names.
But refuses to get the clearance that they have so they he can see the names himself…
Because if he gets the clearance he won’t be allowed to share the information…
The clearance that they have… That is preventing them from releasing the names.
Did I miss something here? If Pierre is expecting them to break the law by revealing names, and they won’t, why doesn’t he step up, get the clearance and then break the law himself?
I will toss it in the trash but next time please don’t leave your garbage around.