I don’t think so. Trump wants to expand the territory of the US. Be it in Panama, Greenland, Canada, or Gaza - he will make some attempt. That’s what authoritarians do, see Putin & Ukraine, Xi & Taiwan, Hitler & Austria. I hope it’s not Canada because that would definitely spark a war. I don’t think clear threats to our sovereignty are exaggerations or attempts to consolidate power at all. We do however need a mandate through a general election to deal with the US.
I am not that cynical. JT did not want to step down IMO. He’s young, essentially retiring at 53, and would have lead the liberals into the next election - which he may very well have lost. But with the Trunp stuff towards the end of his term, there’s a small chance he also could have eeked out a win. We’ll never know.
I’m actually not worried about Carney being thoughtful and considered while Trump is a loud mouth moronic idiot with no coherent plan. Let Trunp be who he’s gonna be and we’ll do our thing, separate from the US clownshow. I mean we’ll have to deal with them a bit but it’s like a toxic ex who you have to deal with because you have kids together but other then that, you lead a completely separate life.
I too will love to see the knives out for PP once he loses the general election. He’s been such a sniveling Trunp toady no other party would support his party in a minority situation . All Carney has to do is prevent a conservative majority, my guess is that Carney has the potential to do even better than that.
The only thing is, she showed how she supported JT for years then stabbed him in the back and wrote a treacherous letter ultimately taking JT down. If I was considering her as a minister I’d have to those actions into account. She’d be useful in some role against trump 2.0 but not so sure she wouldn’t try something similar again like what she did to JT.
Please piss off to conservative lemmy’s. Or to the US. You have no coherent explanation of what is “woke” except for maybe it’s something undefined that you don’t personally like. You don’t speak for the broad Canadian public. Stop inflecting garbage US nonsense here. We’ve had gay marriage for more than 25 years and it’s never going away.
OMG a Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Bank of Canada had entirely different jobs to do, and different roles. They worked together but had different responsibilities.
He’s going to tax polluting industries. Instead of individuals. If the country elects the Liberals under Carney it’s a mandate to try new things. What those new things are, will be decided by a guy with an education in economics and experience as a policy maker as the Governor of two major global Banks.
Not a legal necessity but I would say very important to have at this time. Given that other countries (the US) and people (Elon Mung) are weighing in on Canadian politics with no knowledge or understanding of how our parliamentary system works. Donald already farted out his mouth that JT was using the tarrif situation to “hang on to power” which is complete lies and bullshit needless to say.
This And (while outdated) this also has some good stuff in it.
Backbone? The majority are Trunp sycophants, cravenly fawning over Trump, suggesting bills to put his orange face on Mount Rushmore and the $100 dollar bill. Voting down this bill will show that they have military intention on one, some, or all of those countries and will show them for who they really are.
He came from nothing, born in the Northwest Territories, was smart, got scholarships to go to Harvard/Oxford. Got increasingly more senior jobs in his field, including Bank of Canada Governor during the 2008 banking crisis in Canada which came out largely unscathed, as a consequence - he was hired as the first non-British Bank of England Governor, and while he disagreed with Brexit in principle, he insulated the UK from the worst of that. He’s an economist with experience in dealing with two country-wide crises, which is exactly what Canada is going through right now - an economic crisis, not of our choosing. I’d much prefer that to PP who’s prior job experience is being a Telus collections agent, been in govt for 25 years and had never passed a bill. PP is nothing but a one-note grievance whiner.
Just have to add: Carney will be Canada’s first ever PM (although he’s currently PM-designate) to be from the Northwest Territories. We have a Northern PM. I love this for us.