Tech Nerd Derg.

Arch BTW.

Mastodon @

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


His actual computer related stuff has good advice in it but a lot surrounding that advice is indeed pretty sus or extrapolates to clownish end analysis. Like Ford patenting a speeding snitcher to put in their cars that reports other nearby speeding vehicles to the police is going to lead to the end of non-autonomous driving. I wonder if “car dependency” means anything to him. Just engage with it critically.

If we both play the same one online at the same time do we risk a ban?


I noticed that previous articles about it mentioned you could actually fake certificates and make it seem like two different games were playing? Does anyone know if that’s still a thing?

You would still be risking a ban.

The Pokemon part fucking killed me. No need to write your own jokes when reality writes them for you.

WatchParty works fine for watching YouTube together but uploading to your friends requires Chrome. I’ve also never been able to get video working with mkv files. Webm works but I’ve never seen a release in a webm container.

Qbittorrent will save downloads to the assigned category’s folder instead of manually specifying the download location each time.

Tools > Preferences > Downloads > Saving Management

Change “Default Torrent Management Mode” to automatic

What if we tied that entire row of cars together as one unit so we could save cost on putting high end computers in each car? Give them their own dedicated lane because we will never have 100% fully autonomous cars on the road unless we make human drivers illegal.

I’ll call my invention a train.

Try it without Steam running. Steam has it’s whole input remapper that will only run “desktop mode” unless you launch a game through Steam.

That’s not the real problem. Key resellers actually cost the devs money because those keys are bought with stolen credit cards. Eventually the original card holder does a charge back for a purchase they didn’t authorize and it’s the dev that ends up with the bill.

Your anonymity goes out the window when you log in to any service. Your privacy goes when you give them your shipping information.

AM2R (Another Metroid 2 Remake) was a fan recreation of Metroid 2 that got Cease and Desist’ed as well as DMCA’d on release. Notably Japan’s copyright laws require you to aggressively protect your holdings or else have them forfeited.

I haven’t had an issue with the installers but I have had issues trying to get cracked games to run with their steam / epic emulators or undocumented .dll’s that you need to override.

Are you getting the highest bitrate release you can before re-encoding? You can only make the quality worse by re-encoding. It’s just the way lossy compression works.

Unless you’re specifically grabbing those high bitrate archival copies you really shouldn’t be re-encoding from one lossy codec to another lossy codec.