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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


GOP has been doing this for years; first they vote against a program, then when it passes they sing its praises.

How many GOPs love the ACA but hate Obamacare?

He just casually invented cryptocurrency as a plot device.

I had a long flight so I took along Reamde.

I’d read it twice before, but damned if it didn’t hook me up again. I got to the first airport around 10 am and didn’t get home until 3 am. Saved my sanity.

For the uninitiated, Reamde involves the kidnapped niece of a billionaire game maker; the game is really fun and also a money laundering operation. There are terrorists, Right Wing militias, undercover spies, demented science fiction authors, and a bear skin rug.

[off topic]

I’ve been telling people to read ‘Cryptonomicon’ for decades.

It tells two interwoven stories. Back in WW2 the grandfather is involved in proactive missions to keep the Nazis from learning the Allies had broken their codes, and in the late 1990’s the grandson is trying to start an online bank

Reagan helped end the Fairness Doctrine that kept any one company from owning more than five television stations in the whole country and more than one in any market.

Just saw a different story saying that the average age of a US car is 12 years plus.

The cost of a nice night out for the family, like dinner and a movie for four is a week’s salary if you’re making the official minimum wage.

“War And Anti-War” by Alvin Toffler.

Toffler’s 1996 book uses ‘anti-war’ to present the idea that the wars of the 21st Century would be so different from past wars that we needed a new name for the conflicts. He predicted a massive war with non-state actors, like the current fight against ISIS, before 9/11/2001.

People actually suggested this in the days after the 9/11 attacks; that we should not talk about a ‘War On Terror,’ but the idea was quickly shot down by so-called patriots.

Before the murders, OJ was as popular as The Rock is today. Football star who was in a lot of well received movies.

Also, if you have any sort of job that puts you into contact with law enforcement, look up Dennis Fung. Fung drew OJ’s blood after the crime and was eviscerated on the stand by the defence team. They needed to prove a conspiracy and Fung became past of their story.


I’ve been very open about my politics on here.

So name the candidate you’re backing who has a great shot of winning in November.

So, you have no candidate who has an actual chance of beating Trump in the upcoming election. No political party, no ideology, no way of getting your message out, nothing but some nebulous ‘pie in the sky.’

You’re pretty much exactly what the article warns us about, an ill informed voter with no idea of how they system is set up.

Who is this ‘we’ you speak of? I live in New York, and most of the people I talk to about politics consider Obama to be a Left candidate. Biden got 10 million more primary votes than Bernie, and he had four years to mobilize people.

This is America, and there are plenty of Union people voting for Trump and the GOP

If Donnie alters one photo, that changes the Xeroxs of it on all of the interwebs.

This should be used in all areas.

I used to work in public health and I’d see people who had certifications [not college degrees] talking down to patients, and top doctors who were happy to explain things.

Reminds me of a story I heard from back when PCP was just getting started. A nurse reported that onc of her overdose patients told her that PCP was safe to use if you didn’t mix it with angle dust. The addict didn’t realize that PCP and angle dust were the same thing.

Same with MAGA. They want the hate rush, and keep looking for a newer, stronger high, never realizing it’s all the same thing.

The cure is simple. Talk to people. Take two minutes out of your day and talk to someone about whether the asparagus is good deal, or if the buses should have music or could The Rock have beaten Humphrey Bogart.

Upvote for anyone, anywhere who uses ‘bloviate.’

I am a piece of crap, but I’m the greatest crap in the universe!

I’ve been hoping for the MAGoo/GOP split since 2015.

Doesn’t matter how uneligible he is; his people will vote for him.

Ronald Reagan explicitly said that government was the problem.