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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 27, 2024


Usenet is getting worse and worse these days, I’m learning the ancient art of Sneakernet.

It’s already 67 down here in Australia. I suspect in another 30ish years when I’m even entertaining the possibility of retirement it’ll be in the 80s.

Unless his spinal injury was genetic, this would have nothing to do with eugenics.

As an Australian, I do wonder how much of Canadas healthcare system is privatised and underfunded.

It’s gotten down here to Australia as well. Apparently it’s spread from TikTok.

I was going to DL, but than I realised I’m too bored of the series to play it any more.

Does this dlc even add anything new or just more focus trees?

Weve lost far more pre-digital copies of games than we have digital.

Physical media breaks and degrades, once they stop selling it in a store and your copy doesnt work anymore its gone forever.

Like you’re just so utterly wrong it’s mind boggling to see your comment upvoted by so many.

I’ve never been able to find a private tracker to join in like 20 years of this shit. Everything is closed off to registration and you basically have to find some guy in a dingy alley to suck off for the chance they might give you an invite.