The summary bot didn’t pick this part up: ''Gaba also told Kahlon that the program of study was changed with Sharma’s consent and provided him with a student enrollment contract signed by Sharma and her father on Aug. 19, 2022.
But Sharma says she had never seen this document before the college shared it with Kahlon.
And her father, whose signature appears to be on the document, died in 2015…‘’
If this is true either somebody in Granville’s administration forged two signatures to get out of paying back 10k or the Student Shivani Sharma forged her father’s signature. Is it more likely that a shady private college did a shady thing or that an international student betting her life savings and her family’s future on getting a Canadian visa used her dead father’s signature knowingly.
I moved from Québec to Germany a number of years ago, and there is a cemetery like the one in the article in a forest close to where I live. It started its activity back in 2005. It’s hard to believe that a country with so much green space like Canada - let alone the whole of North America - only now has a single one.