Love me some old games.

  • Duke Nukem connoisseur
  • Doom lover
  • Lemmings ally
  • Commander Keen stan

Retrolemmy Admin


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


If it recognizes me it would know my ad preference is none. What is it with paid items/subscriptions and ads? I already paid. Fuck off. If I see paid stuff with ads I go out of my way to not use it.

Well, most are run by 1 person or a small team. None have profits. Some have donation pages, and that’s it. So they are exempt by definition.

As far as I know, they do get dmca’d. But they delete a single file so it’s incomplete. But if you have 2 different newsgroup providers they usually didn’t delete the same file, so you can still download it.

But I could be totally wrong because I haven’t really looked into this, and this is all from a very old memory.

“He says that the company withdrew money that was already in his YouTube payments account.” this is the huge part not included in this summary. I don’t think an employer can withdraw money from an employee’s account. At least not in the EU.

But I’m not a lawyer.

There’s no money to get in users repairing or expanding their own devices. Fuck Apple. I’m glad all their hardware gets jailbroken quickly. Maybe one day the company realise it’s not a fight they can win. Until that day I will not be purchasing another apple device again.

Unfortunately the link is dead.

I’ve always wanted that too. Don’t worry, there are dozens of us. I used to DJ for a few SHOUTcast stations back in the day.

Send me a link, I’d be happy to check it out!