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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


Theres no real reason to manually install arch anymore though, archinstall script is easy, and works well. Yea you don’t get a fancy GUI, but there are plenty of options to choose at install time.

Personally, if i have too much and/or too late, i have a hard time falling asleep in the evening.

I did not fully get from the article what exactly it is that makes marriage too expensive? Surely getting a marriage certificate is not prohibitively expensive? And shared / dual income would make it easier to stay on top of finances…

The point is to make adblocking so tedious that only fairly tech literate people would do it. That cousin whose pc you set up and installed uBO on? They won’t figure out how to update the filters, they will just whitelist (or realistically just turn off uBO) or premium.

Basically nobody will actually abandon YT over this and those who do will be so low in numbers it is ~0 to YT.

lI makes it pretty simple to see - uppercase i is just a tad shorter.