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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


That is not a thing. No part of rhel is closed up: subscribers can still download the source rpms, and the sources themselves are still the same as upstream. Every change they make to the sources is still pushed upstream for everybody to use.

What is broken is automated rebuilds, and if people have a principle problem because they think libre stuff should necessarily be gratis I think they have the wrong principles.

Regardless of that, the rage bait narrative that red hat is “closing down sources” is that, rage bait.

The whole red hat thing (you mean the centos drama?) has no implications whatsoever on fedora, fyi. If you liked it feel free to go back to it.

Yep totally unheard of for foss software to get worse. Gnome 3 and kde 4 for example were universally acclaimed.

I think that the post author just neglects that software has become mindblowingly complex compared to the days of yore, if you put together all the features of netscape + win 3.11 + wordperfect + whatever other thing they were using in the 90s at any given point you don’t get 10% of the complexity of a contemporary productivity app (say outlook) let alone a full operating system.

It’s clear that the more complex something is the more things can break. It’s like complaining that F16s are worse than consumer 40€ drones because the former require maintenance every few hours of flight while the latter don’t.