• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 25, 2023


Sorry everyone, you’re right. Ublock origin does bypass this. I realised I was looking something up on my wife’s PC last night who doesn’t have it installed but my PC does and I have access, thanks all.

“You have an adblocker installed” workaround
I went to thetvdb.com site yesterday and much to my surprise, they won't let me in unless I subscribe or turn off my adblocker. Is there any workaround for this?

Yeah there’s pro’s and con’s to it. I like using it knowing that whatever I search, I’m not searching up dead shit. But you are right also.

Oh yeah I get it. And I’m not adverse to learning new things. If anything I’m interested in moving to Linux to learn something new but as I mentioned on another post for me it’s about time. Between work and 3 kids, I don’t have much of it, not enough to barely do the things I want to do but maybe one day. If I make the switch to Linux, I need everything that I have going on Windows now, to just work.

I’ve recently been convinced to try Linux again because it’s so easy etc but I didn’t about repacks and fuck, why does it seem so complicated? Windows, 2 clicks of a button and it’s done…

I can stream 4K over 100mb connection quite fine and I can see a remarkable difference when viewed on a decent panel. You enjoy what you enjoy and let others enjoy what they enjoy.

I understand your complaint about ads in the start menu but if you’re still going into Start menu these days, you’re using Windows wrong :P