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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


If B=A, why would you ever think A=B?! Learn your logic, man! That’s on you.

Really though, the structure for the program is just so aggravating. I’m a Pardot man myself. (Sorry. “Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.”) Every time I try to get a client to go with it, the AE’s jump in and desperately try to throw in Mobile Studio and everything else Marketing Cloud. I always go back to the client behind the scenes and warn them that if they go that route, I won’t set it up. It’s not worth the pain.

Have read this yet, but I’ll absolutely give a +1 for the “fuck marketing cloud” sentiment. It’s like Salesforce bought it, then gave up on it.

Hey! I’m a dad, and I consider myself marginally funny.

But I’m also a 10-year Reddit user, so I know what you mean. There’s a world of difference between old and modern Reddit. There was an actual “culture” that we were all a part of. I’d prefer a return to the “front page of internet culture” rather than keeping it alive as the “front page of popular media” it became.

there’s something comforting seeing other Apollo friends here. Good to have you here!