The chemical isn’t the problem, it’s the dose. For instance, people have died from drinking too much water.
Sodium nitrite is used in cured meats to prevent botulism. I use half a teaspoon for 10 pounds of meat when I make sausage. It’s safe enough, at least, safer than botulism. Those people ingested way more to kill themselves, fully aware of the consequences.
It’s a tool. Like any tool, it can be used to harm, like knives, hammers or ropes. If we had to outlaw everything that could kill us, we wouldn’t have much left … Including water.
Same thing is happening in New-Brunswick, with a conservative majority.
In early November, Premier Blaine Higgs reportedly said he was considering legislation to block federal housing funding from being given directly to municipalities.
Because no help is better than Trudeau getting the credit.