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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


In this instance, I think people need to separate the art from the artist so to speak. The Chinese EV’s are already doing well in other countries and it can’t only be because they are cheaper though I’ll admit that is likely a large factor. Why not buy the best product for your money?

There’s still a few years to see how they fare in other countries before possibly arriving in North America if that’s where you reside. Lots of time to deliberate!

Ideally to drive the price of competing cars down or at the very least make the current models more feature rich/compelling than their cheaper Chinese counterparts to justify the price gap.

As it stands, Chinese built EV’s have feature parity for the most part with locally built or otherwise imported EV’s. All at a relatively great price for the product.

Even with a 30 year amortization, the prices of newly built or starter homes intended for the average Joe are getting a little out of reach. Signs are reading “new builds starting in the mid 400’s!” which isn’t exactly budget friendly in my eyes, nor starter home territory. The government has the spirit, they are just a little confused.

We are definitely in a spot where the government is actively working against their “goals”.

Visited Newfoundland a couple weeks ago! Beat the heatwave by a week and the weather was beautiful. Great scenery, whales included!

Is there any rules against living in your office rental? In my mind, there’s always furniture to some degree in an office that can be slept on. You could probably get a shower and a change room installed. Most usually have a crude kitchen of sorts.

Unless someone comes in after hours and sees you snoozing, I think it’d be easy to keep up appearances.

Every time I bring up transit/rail here, everyone gets so pessimistic about it. Having the option to take rail is so underrated and I don’t think anyone really understands the potential. The excuse usually is “no one will use it” and “no one wants to pay for that, where will the funding come from? My taxes”.

We won’t know until we actually try. To me there is no point to ask “what if?” And then snuff things out in protest. I really want to see some change to public transport and something like this could be the start.

So does something like this affect the value of the dollar at all? Not familiar with the cause and effect here!

Our oil and gas is controlled by a cartel (OPEC)! I think there was an example for our milk or bread in particular as well.

Not sure about the 30 year amortization but adding more RRSP contribution potential sounds like you are making home buying easier for the people who already have extra money.

Like was that extra 25k stopping anyone from putting a down payment on a home? If someone is able to save at least 35k let alone 60k in an rrsp, I don’t think the housing market is out of reach. It’s out of reach for the people who are being priced out of renting, eating well, and just living in general.

Really is horrific seeing the government pull these shenanigans with little to no repercussions. Our next election can’t come fast enough

Explains why EV’s are so popular in Quebec. Any reason why electricity is so cheap there?

Another hit to the benefits of driving electric. It was making so much sense to own an EV for me 3 years ago. Gas was expensive, our electricity was super cheap, and little maintenance.

Now, every year since we ordered, something new has come up to make it less appealing. No more tax credits, electric had it’s price cap removed, now this road tax is going to be another cost. It’s getting to a point where it’s cheaper to just buy a gas car again and suck it up.

Really appreciate the breakdown of the article in the comments OP. Cool to see some new math I’ve never heard of!

Even Shaw internet went up in price and down in speed after the merger. Seriously disrespecting customers but they’re almost too big to fail.

It’s hard to say what an “overwhelming majority” platform would look like. With the recent elections it was minority government. You have to cherry pick the most popular policies from each party and hope they don’t overlap with the least popular from the same. For one person great social programs are a priority and then another a strong private sector.

Super interested to see what more politically inclined folks have to say!

A lot of people don’t understand just how well the oil and gas industry is treated here. The subsidies are just the tip of the iceberg. If we could see everything that they get away with, I’m sure we’d be upset to say the least.

Sounds like it will be a fairly seamless transition!

I imagine in 2025 you’ll buy aerosol WD-40 from some guy in a trench coat at 4x the price

It’s things like this that make me wish public transportation was more prevalent in Alberta. I’m sure the cost would rise a bit but its way less than taking care of a car and filling it for $2/L every week.