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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 23, 2023


hahahaha! god their even more stupid than I thought. maybe they should go look for other candidates. Seems like half the country doesn’t want a women as president. They sure as heck don’t want a person of color either.

this is how lack of education and science brings down a country. you are a pathetic meat sack Roger.

you guys the effects in the usa are felt around the world. living in another country is not going to matter much.

well I setup a sneakernet script for my parents as they live in a deadzone and only got shitty celluar. I lived a few hours away so my script would grab the movies and shows for the past few months in its search and cp them to my disk. then i would run another script once i get to their place to upload it to windows and put it in the right folder. subsequent iterations the scripts were changed to shell script and python. their computer now runs Debian too. works great.

my food budget when down to 200$ from 400, fast food is so expensive i stop going. I am growing my own food now and its taking off. screw the man.

Another budding dictator waiting to spring. 90% taxes on the rich people, put that back in their place. The people make the rules and no one is above them.

The internet routes around your blockade! long live the Pirates! Liber8! Pirate bay FTW!!

how about we get universal health care and universal food, and universal savings accounts first.

id be happy if i could work 40 hours a week and not be freaking on call all the time.

god i hate this crap. what is the alternative to this intrusive shit from companies? is the diy home automation, and software? i know have hear of a few out there, also that its hard to setup.

the way you judge a society is how you treat the least of them. I will vote left every time, i get a chance. If something better comes along i will vote for that too. I am so sick of this bull shit.

I think its time for you zoomies to start doing the voomies and voom out of that company. lots of nice companies that value you and pay well that are remote.