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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2024


Did you just wake up from a 50 year coma, trump is absolutely that crazy. But the question is where would he get the acting skills required for this dramatic reality style theater? Maybe if he has several years experience in tv or been in movies or in a fake sport who pretends people get hurt with a chair and uses fake blood?

Would it be in bad taste to say " I like my presidents not shot, losers get shot."? Also is it time to talk about gun control yet republicans?

I’m not sure how anyone can miss the “TODAY” meaning currently which was my only argument.

Sorry bro. I just ment sometimes people get so caught up in how things are. That they can’t see how things can and are currently changing.

Yeah thank God after the dot com crash, the Internet completely disappeared. That was a close one it almost destroyed society. Lol

Lol your last line made me giggle. Nice. Are these Super smart people who thought apple vision was worth 3500.00?

You sound like a teacher from the 80s telling a student that they won’t always have a calculator with them. Your lack of imagination solving problems with AI is and will remain yours. Automation and AI is going to change the entire world much like the automobile devastated the Horse transportation industry. Just as the Amazon killed the Malls. You just fail to see how you fit into this new strange future, and surprise you just perhaps don’t.

“Today” AI is Over hyped, Wildy expensive and unreliable. This is like the quote about the Internet not catching on, or how nobody would ever need more than 640kb of ram. honestly y’all make me chuckle.

Lol replace him with who? Yeah good idea step aside before you have a replacement. This plan brought to you by people who thought Hillary would win in 2016.