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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


Biden’s approval rating is about 37%, which is where George H. W. Bush’s was, and he didn’t get re-elected.

I wouldn’t say that I particularly “approve” of Biden, so I’m probably counted in the 63 percent. But I’m still going to vote for him.

Sure, I’d be more excited to vote for Michelle Obama or Josh Shapiro, but I’ll still vote for Joe Biden if he’s the nominee.

The issue with any two party system is that they’ll both fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.

American here. Can confirm.

Republicans: Stop feeding the hungry with ma tax dollars!

Jesus: 👀

Big shout-out and thanks to the EU for being the only major political entity trying to actually make an effort.

“There’s a portion of the evangelical community that’s very attracted to the idea that God knows everything and God appoints leaders,” he said. “They believe that Donald Trump is the appointed leader at this moment in time.”

“‭‭Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

– Romans‬ ‭13:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Except, of course, if the current leader is a Democrat.

where do you get the money to support such a large population?

AI supporters would tell you that productivity improvements made with AI tech will make that possible.

Yet, unemployment in most of the western world is very low. That could change, of course. We’ll likely need universal basic income down the road. Or at least some very enhanced unemployment benefits.

As soon as things get a bit more complicated- you are self-employed or have multiple streams of income, you have to fill in a return

Maybe I misunderstood.

Yeah, the UK often tries to imitate the US whether or not they should.

Oh, thinking “if they know how much I owed them anyway, why do I have to do this shit in the first place?”

They do that in pretty much all other developed countries. Never had to worry about filing taxes when I lived overseas. Just double check their work and forget about it until next year.

A spokeswoman for Intuit, Tania Mercado, criticized the direct file project as a “half-baked solution” and a waste of taxpayer money.

Yeah, screw you. You shouldn’t have to pay to file your taxes. End of story.

Starbucks disputed the allegations and told Fortune that customers can pay for their orders with whatever balance is left on their app or gift card and pay the remaining amount in cash at the store, thus reaching a zero balance.

So, this is not true? What’s the actual truth to this functionality?

True. I’m just glad I’m not part of that experiment. It’s bad enough to live with the threat of a second Trump presidency.

No society should accept billionaires. There are so many other people who are in dire need. It makes zero difference if they have a billion or a 100 million.

Those subscribers were notified in July about the change. This is just a story about it taking effect in a few weeks.

Yeah, that’s what the article is talking about. That feeling of being less well off.

But even accounting for inflation, the average American is actually better off than ever, also while Biden’s been in office.

Trump is not the candidate of change. Everyone knows him and knows what he stands for. And he’s been rejected many times.

The Republicans are not going to have to lie about how little he’s done to help the poor and middle class.

It’s just a feeling you have. The average American is actually better off than ever. If you’re not better off than ever, you’re probably just not the average American.


So, you complain about Trump and then you proceed to elect your own Trump. What’s up with that, Netherlands?

It’s Netanyahu speaking directly in a video. Not being interpreted or analysed by the outlet.

It’s really just a video of Netanyahu saying the words himself. It’s not interpreted or analysed by the website. Don’t see how that can be very biased.

Netanyahu declares holy war against Gaza, citing the Bible
Even though Netanyahu is Jewish, he knows using (and in this case abusing) the Christian bible is a good way to keep support going among US evangelicals and the new Speaker of the House.

Only region where both the urban and rural populations are majority blue would be New England.

There are no areas where both urban and rural areas are red.

That’s why Republicans have problems in any state with a large, dominant urban area.

Purple state is more accurate.

I don’t think that’s true anymore. It’s pretty much solidly blue at this point. VA has not voted for a Republican President since 2004 and haven’t had a Republican Senator since 2006.

Worth noting that Virginia is a blue state that took a chance and elected a Republican governor. Don’t take chances.

This guy is obviously not well. I hope he can pull himself out of that hole.

The US has the worst labor market regulation of any Western country. Extremely pathetic.

Because it’s part of the underlying condition of a male-dominated world where men try to keep women down and in their place by treating these patronizing, chauvinist acts as “just a little mistake. Move on.” No, it’s time to root this garbage out for good.

The attack on bodily autonomy is not general. It is aimed at women. It subjects their bodies to state control and in the process degrades their citizenship. “Without the ability to decide whether and when to have children, women could not — in the way men took for granted — determine how they would live their lives, and how they would contribute to the society around them,” the dissenters in Dobbs wrote. For women to take their place as “full and equal citizens,” they “must have control over their reproductive decisions.”

I hear ya. The problem with moving to a cheaper location with a remote job is that, if you lose that job, you’ll probably have to move again because there may not be any other jobs in that location other than another remote job.

Especially risky if you buy your home and will have to sell quickly.

To me, the biggest positive about remote work is that you don’t have to live in a crazy expensive location. That advantage is mostly gone with hybrid where you still have to come in every week.

Also, companies benefit from having employees in less expensive locales having lower salaries but still being able to pay more than what the employee would otherwise make in that location. Good way to retain talent.

“The cutoff should be above my age” - everyone in this thread lol

I don’t see it that way. The minimum age for President in the US is 35 years of age and that’s their cutoff. That, to me, doesn’t make sense.