I like OSS, Linux, art, signs, democracy, climate action. Slava Ukraini he/him

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I’m expecting it will happen when the Cons least expect it!

True. Except the BC Liberals were never Liberal and still aren’t even with the new name. Actual Liberals in BC vote NDP

Do you believe YOU’RE the only one entitled to spew ridiculous hyperbole? Have you ever suggested Hamas terrorists should surrender for prosecution? If not, you can’t be taken seriously.

I emailed them about the headline. This is their official response:

Hello Grant,

Thank you for contacting us.

We would be pleased to hear information that contradicts the facts stated in this article’s title and wouldn’t hesitate to change it if it is proven incorrect. As it stands, we consider it to be correct.

Thank you.

Editorial committee of North Star

Canada doesn’t support human rights abuses anywhere. The headline is horseshit.

PP has always struck me as a blend of Ron DeSantis and Mike Johnson. Weird af.

The more these russia loving RW hooligans do this, the more I stand with my PM and the Liberal government.

Danielle Smith offers thoughts and prayers instead of climate emergency action.

Haley’s former supporters are smart enough to now know she’s a sell-out.

China, Russia, North Korea are allied with rapist donald trump. If he were to order an attack on Canada, they will side with him.

She should cross the aisle and leave that bigot CPC party and their violent electorate in the dust.

Both. We can build up enough to fight back with allies.

Good stuff. Danielle Smith is failing her fossil fuel mafia owners.

No matter how much equipment we purchased, it wouldn’t be enough. We would go down fighting. Half of the people here are so brainwashed, they’d be more likely to team up with the trump/putin alliance than defend Canada. It looks bad.

We need to build up in case of a trump win in the US. He may well order US military action against Canada.

I’d prefer the CPC weren’t the trumper north party and had someone capable. This far right crap is horrible.

The maga cult is trying with no success because their orange god is weak.

It would only take 1% of the russian population to decide it’s time for change.

The billionaire grocery mafia gougers are out of control in Canada.

And the scammers have been caught. Good news all around.

Excellent speech by Canada's most excellent Senator https://mstdn.ca/@Paulatics

That makes two treasonous ex-cops conspiring for the Chinese communist government. How many more will there be?

Excerpt: “This file, this specific project is not done. We are not excluding that we may arrest and accuse more people in the coming weeks.”